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Podcast & Resources

We want to help you bring the land and the lessons of the Bible to life!

That is the goal of our podcast, our partners, and the other resources on this page—to help you continue to grow in your understanding of the Bible and appreciation for how its context transforms the text into full color in 3D!

Have any questions, comments or suggestions? Let us know using the contact form below!

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#61 No Room in the Inn? — Interview with Brad Gray

| Episode Guest: Brad Gray

"No room in the Inn?" What if there were no inn and no innkeeper? What if our understanding of the Christmas story is inaccurate and we need to understand it anew in its original context? That’s precisely what Brad Gray of Walking the Text is doing with the Christmas story in this new series. He's beginning with the Bethlehem events recorded in Luke 2. As we’ll see, Bethlehem wasn’t a place of rejection, but of reception for Jesus!

#60 Context for Kids — Interview with Eric Schrotenboer

| Episode Guest: Eric Schrotenboer

Rich welcomes fellow west-Michigander Eric Schrotenboer back to the podcast today! Since our last visit, Eric and his wife Meredith have been busy creating even more resources for kids to learn about the Lord and the Land. Their works include the original book set The Wandering Wise Men, the 2-in-1 flip book, _Hear, O Israel, and their two most recent projects: The Youngest Disciple (about the life of John) and The Mouse in the Manger (a Nativity story). _Through the rich stories and stunning illustrations, Eric and Meredith's goal is to not only teach children about God but to do so in the correct cultural context. The holidays are quickly approaching! If you'd like to order one or more of these titles for the littles in your life, follow this link:

#59 Inexhaustible Israel — Interview with Casey Jordan

| Episode Guest: Casey Jordan

GTI Tours participant and Bible teacher Casey Jordan joins our podcast today. She describes her time on the Homesick for Israel Tour which went in August. Highlighting her favorite sites and experiences, Casey shares what they meant to her personally. No matter how many times she returns to Israel, she finds its inspiration inexhaustible! Visit for photos, links, and more from this episode.

#58 Celebrating Jesus in the Fall Feasts — Interview with Matt Davis, Ron Davis

| Guests: Ron Davis, Matt Davis

Rich kicks off our third podcast season with guests Matt and Ron Davis. This father/son ministry duo shares their personal history as Jewish people who believe in the Jewish Messiah, Jesus. Their unique perspective helps us understand the significance of the Jewish holidays, specifically the Fall Feasts which have yet to be fulfilled by Christ. Learn more about Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), Yom Kippur (the Highest Holy Day), and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles or Booths).

#57 "Passions and Priorities" — Interview with Melissa Bouma

| Episode Guest: Melissa Bouma

Veteran trip participant Melissa Bouma of West Michigan joins our podcast today! Melissa is a wife, mother of five, volunteer and avid student of the Word. After recently visiting Israel for the third time, she joins Rich to share some of her experiences and how God spoke specifically to her heart at the Sea of Galilee. Melissa’s story is a great example of how a trip to Israel can be a springboard for your faith and personal Bible study. Perhaps most inspirational is her challenge to loosen our grip on our passions and plans. It's so easy to get carried away with doing things "for Jesus" that we lose focus on the fundamentals of following and obeying Him.

#56 Jordan or Bust — Interview with Becky Ferreira

| Episode Guest: Becky Ferreira

Today's podcast features another female guest, Rich Ferreira's lovely wife Becky! Rich, Becky, and their 4 children just returned from an amazing vacation to Jordan and share their experiences on this episode.

#55 Digging in the Land and the Word — Interview with Richard Liverance

| Episode Guest: Rich Liverance

Richard Liverance returns as our featured guest on today's podcast. He has traded his position with the Israel Ministry of Tourism for the role of a student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, living and learning in the land! His love of archaeology and history is evident as he shares some of what he has experienced so far. Richard sheds light on two passages in scripture, 2 Samuel 20 and Judges 4, and how they connect to recent archaeological digs. See the links below to read more about two sites, Abel Beth Maacah and Hazor.

#54 Hope in the Holy Land — Interview with Todd Morehead

| Episode Guest: Todd Morehead

Todd Morehead is our podcast guest for this episode. Todd is the founder of Grafted Ministries and the creator of two films: _Promised Land: Israel Through the Eyes of Surfers (2012) _and his recent release, Hope in the Holy Land: Delving Beneath the Surface of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

#53 Lifelong Learning — Interview with Dr. Oliver Hersey

| Episode Guest: Dr. Oliver Hersey

Dr. Oliver Hersey from JUC returns as our podcast guest today. He shares some exciting opportunities that Jerusalem University offers, including some online LIVE summer sessions. At only $159 for a 6-week class (90 minutes each), these summer courses are an ideal way for pastors, students or laypeople to take their knowledge and faith to the next level.

#52 The Shema for Life — Interview with Eric Schrotenboer

| Episode Guest: Eric Schrotenboer

Trip leader, artist and author Eric Schrotenboer returns to our podcast today so share his most recent project. He and his wife Meredith have created another great resource for children, Hear, O Little One! This unique board book features a flip design, two books in one, to help parents lead their children into a pattern of beginning and ending each day with the Lord. This story is an adaptation of the Shema, God's centerpiece prayer for his people from Deuteronomy 6:4-9: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Order Hear, O Little One wherever books are sold, including Amazon, Target, Walmart, and Barnes and Noble.

#51 Lessons from Ephesus — Interview with Brad Gray

| Episode Guest: Brad Gray

Walking the Text founder Brad Gray returns as our guest on this podcast. He reminds us of the significance of Asia Minor, specifically Ephesus, in early church history and how their pagan culture is similar to today's. Brad was reminded while in Turkey that when circumstances are difficult, God is always working and the Church keeps growing, just as it did in the first century. Context is key to understanding the ancient world, so that is the focus of Brad's annual conference, the Infusion Bible Conference. Even if you can't be there in person, the good news is that the material is now available online! Virtual registration includes a plethora of notes, insights, timelines, and resources, all in one convenient place! Whether you attend in person or online, the goal is to help you grow not only in your knowledge of the Bible but in faithfulness.

#50 Breaking Down Barriers — Interview with Dr. Mark Strauss

| Episode Guest: Dr. Mark Strauss

Dr. Mark Strauss visits our podcast today. He describes how the scriptures are not just historical or theological, they’re both! We could use the term “narrative theology” or “theography”: the idea that geographical locations and features in scripture also have a theological meaning. Dr. Strauss’ brilliant overview draws on examples such as Samaria and the Jordan River to unpack this term and to prove that, ultimately, the Gospel breaks down barriers! He also shares some helpful resources for further study. 

#49 Bringing History to Life — Interview with Dr. Christopher Stanley

| Episode Guest: Dr. Christopher Stanley

Christopher Stanley is our guest on today's podcast. A gifted writer and teacher, Dr. Stanley decided to try his hand at historical fiction after the encouragement of his wife. His approach as a historian first and a writer second ensures accuracy and authenticity in his characters and settings. If you've been on one of our study tours to Turkey (Asia Minor), the sites and cities in the books will be familiar! The Apostle Paul and the early Christian church play a minor cultural presence in the story line, as they did in real life - an enigma and a contradiction to a pagan world. Consider reading the series from A Slave's Story, another great resource we can suggest to "Bring the Land and Lessons of the Bible to Life!"

#48 The Story of GTI (Part 2) — Interview with Tom Harrington

| Episode Guest: Tom Harrington

This podcast is a repeat from our original release January 21, 2021

#47 The Story of GTI (Part 1) — Interview with Tom Harrington

| Episode Guest: Tom Harrington

This podcast is a repeat from our original release January 14, 2021

#46 Giving with a Purpose — Interview with Heather Echols

| Episode Guest: Heather Echols

Today's podcast is hosted by Rich and GTI staff designer Heather Echols. They kick off the Season of Giving by sharing some special gift ideas, specifically GTI's new 30th Anniversary Limited Edition photo book, The Lands of the Bible! Pick up one of these keepsakes for yourself as well as another for a gift at Cost is $59.95. For a limited time, all pre-orders receive free shipping within the continental U.S.! All proceeds go toward our Trip Scholarship Fund.

#45 Why Context Matters — Interview with Dr. Gary Burge

| Episode Guest: Dr. Gary Burge

Dr. Gary Burge is our special guest once again on this podcast. His experience in teaching the New Testament and leading groups to Israel help us understand why context matters. Gary challenges us to walk across an "interpretive bridge", that is to allow ourselves to be moved intellectually, emotionally and spiritually in order to understand the ancient text. Gaining a grasp on the history, geography and culture of Jesus' day help us decode and recode His teachings.

#44 Live from Israel — Interview with Ronen Ben Moshe

| Episode Guest: Ronen Ben Moshe

LIVE FROM ISRAEL: RICH AND RONEN! Rich interviews Israeli guide and friend, Ronen Ben Moshe during their tour with the Well Church. While sipping coffee at the Sea of Galilee, the two discuss "the new normal" of traveling during these days. Despite a few added hoops to jump through, the opportunity to travel makes it all worth it. 96 out of 96 trip participants agree: coming to the Holy Land is ALWAYS a good idea!

#43 Live from Turkey — Interview with Craig Hill

| Episode Guest: Craig Hill

GTI GM Rich Ferreira and Dr. Craig Hill present this podcast live from Kusadasi, Turkey after touring Ephesus that day with our Turkey/Greece Signature Tour. They review what they have seen so far (including a few surprises), and what they have to look forward to as they continue on to Greece. Turkey IS the New Testament and Early Church, a sequel in a sense to Israel and the Great Commission. If you didn't follow the trip blog already, follow this link to hear and see what it was like! Trip blog

#42 Reformation Tour — Interview with Dr. Erik Thoennes

| Episode Guest: Dr. Erik Thoennes

On today's podcast, Rich hosts theology professor and trip teacher Erik Thoennes. Rich and Erik walk through the details of our exciting Reformation Tour of Germany in May of 2022! This trip itinerary holds not only the significant sites of Martin Luther's life, but also delights such as Bavarian cuisine, a Spree River cruise, marvelous castles, the Pergamon Museum, and the Passion Play in Oberammergau, Germany. Learn more and register here:

#41 Podcast Update

| Episode Guest: GTI Tours

GTI Tours GM Rich Ferreira shares a brief podcast update today. We have run several successful tours of Turkey and Israel recently and are busy working and planning future trips. We will continue to create new podcast episodes on occasion, but not on a weekly basis. Be sure to go back and listen to any of our 40 past episodes you may have missed.

#40 Signs of Life — Interview with Shea Sumlin

| Episode Guest: Shea Sumlin

Shea serves as the Lead Pastor of Northway Church in Dallas, Texas and joins our podcast today. He and Rich discuss what it was like to be the FIRST GTI TOUR to return to Israel since March of 2020! Shea shares how God went before them and GTI walked beside them to make the trip so special. Signs of Life in Israel included no crowds, warmest of welcomes, and a clean, safe environment. In the Wilderness of Zin/Ein Evdat, God spoke to their hearts with a message of healing and one of continual presence and pursuit. There's nothing like time in the Land to encounter God and to see more and more clearly the common humanity among us all.

#39 Homesick for Israel Tour — Interview with Ronen Ben Moshe

| Episode Guest: Ronen Ben Moshe

Legendary Israeli guide Ronen Ben Moshe is our podcast guest today! He and Rich walk through the itinerary for our newest trip: the "Homesick for Israel Tour: Returning to the Land and the Text"! For the first time GTI Tours’ history, we have hand-crafted a study tour designed specifically for those who have been to Israel before. This tour is created to give the Homesick a chance to return Home, to revisit the Land and to learn new Lessons from her, to bring new chapters of the Bible to Life! Not only will this itinerary include new sites but also new experiences: getting your hands dirty on an archaeological dig, shopping at the Mahane Yehuda Market, taking in the vivid colors of the Baha'i Gardens. Spiritual moments will abound at significant cities such as Bethel, Shiloh, and Mount Gerizim and at a traditional Shabbat dinner. Get reacquainted with the Old City of Jerusalem and the quiet waves of the Sea of Galilee. Ronen will be personally leading this tour! He has been guiding in Israel since 1994 and has lead hundreds of tours throughout the land. He holds a master’s degree in Middle Eastern history from the Hebrew University as well as vast knowledge of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. On this tour, Ronen will be your encyclopedia, companion, servant, and friend. Registration is open!

#38 Homesick for Israel — Interview with Kristen Hartman

| Episode Guest: Kristen Hartman

Today's podcast features our first former trip participant guest, Kristen Hartman from southern California. Her 2014 study tour of Israel prompted her to write a moving piece entitled, "Homesick for Israel" which she sent shortly thereafter to GTI General Manager Rich Ferreira. In God's beautiful timing, Rich rediscovered it during COVID and used it to create a stunning video about Israel which we promoted in May of 2020. Kristen and Rich show us that the Land generates within each of us many common thoughts and emotions, a longing to return Home to "one small point on a map."

#37 It's About the Journey — Interview with Troy Thomas

| Episode Guest: Troy Thomas

Veteran pastor and trip leader Troy Thomas from Wisconsin joins today's podcast. Troy and Rich describe the process of being a trip participant who eventually becomes a trip leader. Troy also shares a brief teaching of Luke 24: 13-35, when the resurrected Christ walks beside two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus and teaches about Himself. It doesn't matter as much where Christ is leading us, but that He is always walking with us and teaching us along the way.

#36 Fall Holidays in Israel — Interview with Ariel Sela

| Episode Guest: Ariel Sela

Israeli guide Ariel tells us more about himself personally and what he loves about his country. He also lends insight to the fall holidays in Israel and explains what each of them means both culturally and spiritually to the Jewish people.

#35 The Footsteps of Paul in Turkey & Greece — Interview with Craig Hill

| Episode Guest: Craig Hill

Craig Hill returns as our guest today on the podcast. Craig and our Rich discuss GTI's upcoming Signature Tour of Turkey and Greece, October 11-24. They walk through the scheduled itinerary (featuring over two dozen sites) and describe some of the highlights of these two amazing countries! In addition to following the footsteps of the Apostle Paul, this tour offers a hot air balloon ride in Turkey, wine tasting in Greece, and some amazing local hospitality. Registration is open!

#34 Jerusalem's Destiny of Peace — Interview with Richard Liverance

| Episode Guest: Rich Liverance

Richard Liverance returns as our featured guest on today's podcast. He is the Western Regional Marketing Director for the Israel Ministry of Tourism. Richard and our GM Rich Ferreira talk about the May 23 reopening of Israel which is exciting news for our audience! They also discuss Covid, the recent conflict with Gaza, safety traveling in Israel and a biblical look at the unrest in the region. 

#33 Contrasting Kingdoms — Interview with Jonathan Greer

| Episode Guest: Jonathan Greer

Our guest today is speaker, teacher and archaeologist Dr. Jonathan Greer of Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Jonathan, AKA "The Bone Doctor", is part of the archaeology team at Tel Dan, Israel and specializes in zooarchaeology, or the study of ancient animal bones found in sacrificial remains. Today he focuses on a site in Egypt called the Ramesseum, the mortuary temple of Ramesses II, and the emphasis on "Pharaoh's Great Name" all throughout the temple. In stark contrast is the narrative of God's plan for His chosen people, to lead them out of grandeur and into barren wilderness, for the glory of HIS great name.

#32 Shavuot and Pentecost — Interview with Dave Garrett

| Episode Guest: Dave Garrett

David “Moose” Garrett has served in a variety of capacities at the international headquarters of Jews for Jesus in San Francisco since 1981. His current position is Children and Youth Ministry Director. In 1990, Moishe Rosen, the founder of Jews for Jesus, asked him to begin a camp program for Jewish children and youth, thus launching Camp Gilgal. Helping raise up new generations of Jewish believers in Messiah continues to be the most rewarding aspect of his ministry. David has been married to Kathleen since 1980. The Garretts have two married daughters, Virginia (Joshua) and Monica (Noah) and four little friends (grandchildren).