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#49 Bringing History to Life — Interview with Dr. Christopher Stanley

| Episode Guest: Dr. Christopher Stanley

Christopher Stanley is our guest on today's podcast. A gifted writer and teacher, Dr. Stanley decided to try his hand at historical fiction after the encouragement of his wife. His approach as a historian first and a writer second ensures accuracy and authenticity in his characters and settings. If you've been on one of our study tours to Turkey (Asia Minor), the sites and cities in the books will be familiar! The Apostle Paul and the early Christian church play a minor cultural presence in the story line, as they did in real life - an enigma and a contradiction to a pagan world. Consider reading the series from A Slave's Story, another great resource we can suggest to "Bring the Land and Lessons of the Bible to Life!"

CHRISTOPHER D. STANLEY is a professor at St. Bonaventure University who studies the social and religious history of the Greco-Roman world, with special attention to early Christianity and Judaism. He has written or edited six books and dozens of professional articles on the subject and presents papers regularly at conferences around the world. The trilogy A Slave’s Story, which grew out of his historical research on first-century Asia Minor, is his first work of fiction. He is currently working on an academic book that explores healing practices in the Greco-Roman world, a subject that plays a vital role in this series.  

"The Past is a foreign country. They do things differently there." L.P. Hartley

The photos in the show notes depict the Asclepion (hospital/healing center) in Pergamum

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