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#65 Egypt's Significance in Scripture — Interview with Jerrell Jobe

| Episode Guest: Jerrell Jobe

Texas pastor Jerrell Jobe is our podcast guest today, the only trip leader of ours who leads in all five countries (Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and Greece)! Having just returned from his Egypt & Jordan tour (Oct. 2022), Jerrell gives a brilliant overview of the significance of Egypt throughout scripture. Egypt and the Exodus are mentioned more in the text than any other person or place - over 300 times! You can't go far in the text or understand God's Chosen People without understanding the culture out of which they were delivered.

Jerrell also draws a beautiful contrast between the "smiting pose" of the Pharaohs vs. the loving kindness of the shepherding God of Israel. This poses the question, "Which one do we imitate in our leadership?"

Would you like to see Egypt for yourself and learn about the Exodus? Consider joining our "Footsteps of Moses" Signature Tour of Egypt and Jordan! The 2023 trip is already full, but please keep the 2024 trip in mind. You'll be glad you did! Follow this link to see the itinerary:

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