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#55 Digging in the Land and the Word — Interview with Richard Liverance

| Episode Guest: Rich Liverance

Richard Liverance returns as our featured guest on today's podcast. He has traded his position with the Israel Ministry of Tourism for the role of a student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, living and learning in the land! His love of archaeology and history is evident as he shares some of what he has experienced so far. Richard sheds light on two passages in scripture, 2 Samuel 20 and Judges 4, and how they connect to recent archaeological digs. See the links below to read more about two sites, Abel Beth Maacah and Hazor.

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Known in Joshua’s day as “the head of all those kingdoms,” the tel of Hazor is today the largest in Israel at 200 acres. At its height in the Canaanite period, the city encompassed the entire tel. Later, when it was inhabited by Israelites, the fortified city included only the Upper City.

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