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Podcast & Resources

We want to help you bring the land and the lessons of the Bible to life!

That is the goal of our podcast, our partners, and the other resources on this page—to help you continue to grow in your understanding of the Bible and appreciation for how its context transforms the text into full color in 3D!

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#31 Wandering Wise Men — Interview with Eric Schrotenboer

| Episode Guest: Eric Schrotenboer

One of our tour leaders, Eric Schrotenboer and his wife, Meredith have created a wonderful resource for families to engage with the Christmas story in new ways this year. The Wandering Wise Men Family Tradition Activity Set includes a beautifully illustrated children’s book, a family devotional, and three whimsical wise men to hide around the house for delighted kiddos to find! 

#30 Feet for the Path — Interview with Dr. Oliver Hersey

| Episode Guest: Dr. Oliver Hersey

Today our guest is Dr. Oliver Hersey who has been appointed to serve as the next president for Jerusalem University College in Jerusalem, Israel. He shares about the history of the school, the learning experience there in person as well as some new opportunities online. Dr. Hersey also shares what Habakkuk 3:19 means to him and family personally as they transition to their new home in Israel.

#29 Asking the Right Questions — Interview with Eric Schrotenboer

| Episode Guest: Eric Schrotenboer

Our podcast guest today is Eric Schrotenboer, a storyteller and founder of The Acacia Project. He is a film maker, music composer, and children's book author of "The Wandering Wisemen". Today he discusses the person of Herod the Great, visiting some of the structures he built, and the shadow he cast far and wide upon the scene Jesus entered. One King took life to save his own, while the other gave His own life to save others.

#28 Just Like Him — Interview with Brian Haynes

| Episode Guest: Brian Haynes

Brian Haynes, senior pastor of Bay Area Church in Houston, Texas is our guest today. Brian has been to partnering with GTI Tours for over 8 years to bring groups to Israel. He shares today about a favorite site in the Galilee, Capernaum, which was the home and headquarters of Christ's ministry while he walked this earth. Brian unpacks John 15:16 which says, "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit..." Not only was Christ's call to the disciples an astonishing second chance for them to follow a Rabbi, it was an ever-reaching voice still sending the same message to us today. Jesus believes in us; He thinks we can be JUST LIKE HIM!

#27 Yaweh, the Jealous God — Interview with Terry Feix

| Episode Guest: Terry Feix

Our guest today is Terry Feix of Crossings Community Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Terry shares insight into his favorite site, Tel Arad, which is in the Negev desert region of Israel. He reminds us that we, like the Israelites who lived here so long ago, have a tendency to waver in keeping God our only god. Crossings Community Church is a church committed to discipleship. Terry has spent the last 22 years teaching the Bible as part of that commitment. His knowledge of scripture, history, and culture along with his talent for bringing understanding and application make a powerful combination. Terry’s motto of “making the Bible come alive” takes on a new meaning in the context of the land of Israel. He and his wife, Laura, have led multiple trips to the Land and look forward to returning each time.

#26 The Feast of Freedom — Interview with Matt Davis

| Episode Guest: Matt Davis

Have you ever wondered what Passover is all about? Maybe you know the story but wonder how it reads through Jewish eyes. Our repeat guest, Matt Davis, walks us through the Passover story ("hagaddah") as well as the order ("seder") of the traditional dinner.

#25 Altering the Altar — Interview with Eric Wakeling

| Episode Guest: Eric Wakeling

Today we talk with Eric Wakeling, Senior Pastor of Calvary Church of Santa Ana, California. Listen as we take a quick but deep dive into I Kings 12 and the story of the altar at Tel Dan. In order to prevent pilgrimage to the temple in Jerusalem, Jeroboam sets up false idols in the form of a golden calves in Dan and Bethel, proving he allowed his fear triumphed over his faith. Our Israeli guide Ronen also shares an update about the ancient site of Shiloh.

#24 Following Leads to Flourishing — Interview with Matt Lantz

| Episode Guest: Matt Lantz

Pastor Matt Lantz from Texas joins our podcast today. He talks about Makhtesh Ramon and the three types of deserts found in scripture. Matt points out how God led His people through the wilderness and used the land to disciple them. They found, as will we, that following God always leads to flourishing. Our fruitfulness depends on the God whom we serve, not our circumstances.

#23 The Greatest Classroom — Interview with Marty Solomon

| Episode Guest: Marty Solomon

Our guest on this podcast is Marty Solomon from Idaho. Marty been leading GTI groups to Israel and Turkey for years and loves to "learn with his feet" in the classroom of the Land. He has a special ministry teaching and discipling college students called "BEMA". Today he shares the Four Pillars that he teaches and models to these young people. One of his favorite sites in the Land is Cappadocia, Turkey, where you can see these pillars portrayed through early church history and wrestle with the tough questions of your faith.

#22 The HESED of God — Interview with Ronen Ben Moshe

| Episode Guest: Ronen Ben Moshe

Israeli guide Ronen Ben Moshe is known for helping our groups get the big picture of all the sites, sounds, smells and tastes which tell the story of Israel. His interview today allows us get to know him better personally as he shares what his country and language mean to him.

#21 Imparting the Story of God — Interview with Matt Davis

| Episode Guest: Matt Davis

Matt Davis joins us today on the podcast. He shares about spiritual legacy and our responsibility to pass on our faith to the next generation. We also hear from Mohannad, one of our guides in Jordan, who familiarizes us with the ancient Roman city of Jerash.

#20 The God of Just Enough — Interview with Brad Bell

| Episode Guest: Brad Bell

Brad Bell of Fresno, California is our guest on today's podcast. Brad has been leading trips with GTI for more than 15 years. He describes a special place in Israel called Ein Avdat. This barren wilderness is a picture how God brought the Israelites out of the most fertile land in the world to utter desolation. He wanted them to depend on Him and to teach them WHO HE WAS: the God of Just Enough.

#19 The Battle Belongs to the Lord — Interview with Matt Bach

| Episode Guest: Matt Bach

On today's podcast, Rich hosts Matt Bach from Bridgeway Christian Church in northern California. His teaching focuses on one of his favorite sites in Israel, the Valley of Elah and the battle which happened there between David and Goliath (I Samuel 17). A young David exemplifies what it means to depend not on our size, strength, ability or knowledge but on the power of an Almighty God. Matt leaves us with the question, "Where is the power in my life?"

#18 The World Behind the Text — Interview with Craig Hill

| Episode Guest: Craig Hill

Should we call him Pastor Craig or Doctor Hill? Whether he is in the pulpit or the classroom, Craig Hill is a knowledgeable Bible teacher and an inspiring speaker. He shares with us today about the early Christian church in Asia Minor, specifically in Pergamum, one of the Seven Churches of Revelation (Rev. 2:12-17) and how it relates to us today.

#17 The Story of GTI (Part 2) — Interview with Tom Harrington

| Episode Guest: Tom Harrington

This week we're back with Part 2 of the GTI Story with company VP and former GM Tom Harrington. Last week Rich and Tom covered the history of GTI Tours and delved into Tom's life story. This episode includes God's redemptive work in Tom's life and family, as well as some entertaining stories from his travels over the years.

#16 The Story of GTI (Part 1) — Interview with Tom Harrington

| Episode Guest: Tom Harrington

This week’s episode is extra special as our GM Rich Ferreira interviews our company Vice President and former GM, Tom Harrington. Rich and Tom answer some age-old questions such as, “What does GTI stand for?” and “How did this company begin?”

#15 Connecting to the Land & the Bible — Interview with Richard Liverance

| Episode Guest: Rich Liverance

Richard Liverance is our featured guest on today's podcast. He is the Western Regional Marketing Director for the Israel Ministry of Tourism. Richard shares the story of how God led him to this position and his privileged role of connecting people to the Land of the Bible.

#13 The Festival of Lights — Interview with Dan Mossek

| Episode Guest: Dan Mossek

Israel guide Dan Mossek is our special podcast guest today. He shares about himself personally and how much he loves the scenery, diversity and history of his fascinating country. Dan also explains the story behind the winter holiday, Hanukkah, the "Festival of Lights". Not only is it the most joyful of Jewish holidays, it commemorates the story of Israel the Underdog defeating the Greeks and achieving their freedom in 164BC.

#12 Walking the Paved Road — Interview with Jerrell Jobe

| Episode Guest: Jerrell Jobe

Today's podcast guest is teacher, scholar and disciple Jerrell Jobe from Mission, Texas. Jerrell has led more than 15 trips biblical study tours over the past 9 years. He recently returned from leading a group to Turkey and shares what it was like to travel during COVID restrictions. A change in itinerary allowed them to study the ancient Roman Roads and how God literally paved the way for the Gospel to be spread throughout the Empire. Jerrell unpacks Acts 16:6-8 to show how Paul and his partners found joy in the journey and discerned God's will along the way.

#11 Be Careful What You Wish For — Interview with Rob Kranz

| Episode Guest: Rob Kranz

Rob Kranz, a Bible teacher from Texas, is our podcast guest today. Rob discusses the biblical site of Gibeah in Judges 19 and how it connects to King Saul. We also highlight the Satellite Bible Atlas as a resource for further study as well as ways that our listeners can give back this holiday season and support some of our overseas partners by purchasing Christmas gifts from their stores.

#10 Take Your Brokenness with You — Interview with Chris Simning

| Episode Guest: Chris Simning

Our very special guest today is Chris Simning. Born with a nearly imperceptible case of cerebral palsy, Chris Simning was stricken with an extremely rare muscle and nerve disease just before high school. Today, Chris is living a miraculous life story as a speaker, storyteller, and writer. Chris shares with us about his love for Israel, specifically the Pool of Bethesda, and his application of the miracle in John 5.  

#9 A Nation Like No Other — Interview with Randy Alonso

| Episode Guest: Randy Alonso

Our podcast guest today is Florida Pastor Randy Alonso. He shares about his love for Israel, his approach to leading tours, and his involvement with Bridges for Peace. A short teaching of I Kings 17-18 reminds us of Elijah's exemplary courage and boldness in the midst of a confusing time.

#7 Living Water — Interview with Brady Nemmers

| Episode Guest: Brady Nemmers

Brady Nemmers joins our podcast today from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Brady shares about leading groups to Israel and experiencing the text together in its original context. He teaches about the "living water" as referred to in Psalms 42 and 63 and how precious it is in the Land. Visit for photos, links, and more from this episode. 

#6 Pictures Change Everything — Interview with Todd Bolen

| Episode Guest: Todd Bolen

Watch the video above to see the photos being described in the podcast (photos start at minute 25:15).

#5 From Sketch to 3D Model — Interview with Chris Brown

| Episode Guest: Chris Brown

Charismatic Chris Brown from California joins Rich on our podcast today. He shares how impactful visiting Israel has been to his teaching personally, and how he's passed on a passion for the Land to those he leads. Being a storyteller himself, Chris believes the Story of God is one in which his listeners should participate, not just hear. Learning in the Land has allowed him to see the Bible go from a black and white sketch to a full color 3D model! He even shares a few funny stories from his trip with youth pastors (photos included).

#4 The Fifth Gospel — Interview with Gary Burge

| Episode Guest: Dr. Gary Burge

Dr. Gary Burge is our special guest on this podcast. His extensive study of the New Testament, specifically the Gospel of John, lends insight today in his comparison teaching of John 5 and John 9. He reminds us that the scriptures are a timeless message but not a timeless story. In order to understand the message, we must understand the context; the best way to understand the context is to experience it in the Land where the events took place.

#3 Stepping into the Chaos — Interview with Brad Gray

| Episode Guest: Brad Gray

Today we hear from Walking the Text founder Brad Gray. Brad shares how his first trip to the Land impacted him personally and led to his ministry today. His teaching on Jesus' baptism in Matthew 3 unpacks Christ's mission - and ours - to bring Shalom to a chaotic, broken world.

#2 A Nobody from Nowhere — Interview with Aaron Couch

| Episode Guest: Aaron Couch

Aaron Couch joins our podcast today from Colorado. He describes what is was like to lead the first GTI tour (to Turkey) since COVID restrictions began last March. He also shares about Lystra, the life of Timothy, and the message of God's purpose for each of us today.

#1 Living Stones — Interview with Jim Showers

| Episode Guest: Jim Showers

Jim Showers, Executive Director of Friends of Israel joins our podcast today. He shares about the ministry, which was begun in 1938, ten years before Israel became a nation, and how going to the Land feels like "coming home." Jim's teaching takes us to Acts 10, the pivotal passage which reveals the beginning of God's plan to redeem both Jews and Gentiles.