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#33 Contrasting Kingdoms — Interview with Jonathan Greer

| Episode Guest: Jonathan Greer

Our guest today is speaker, teacher and archaeologist Dr. Jonathan Greer of Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Jonathan, AKA "The Bone Doctor", is part of the archaeology team at Tel Dan, Israel and specializes in zooarchaeology, or the study of ancient animal bones found in sacrificial remains. Today he focuses on a site in Egypt called the Ramesseum, the mortuary temple of Ramesses II, and the emphasis on "Pharaoh's Great Name" all throughout the temple. In stark contrast is the narrative of God's plan for His chosen people, to lead them out of grandeur and into barren wilderness, for the glory of HIS great name.

Jonathan Greer and his wife Jennifer have enjoyed learning and teaching the Story of the Bible together in a variety of contexts in the Middle East for nearly two decades. They are faculty members at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary where Jonathan serves as Associate Professor of Old Testament and Director of the Hesse Archaeological Lab and Jennifer as Adjunct Instructor of Bible with a New Testament focus. Together they lead an annual study tour course in cooperation with GTI to the lands of the Bible as well as courses in biblical interpretation and background studies. Jonathan holds M.A. degrees in Old Testament and Biblical Languages from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University where he focused on Hebrew Bible, ancient Near Eastern studies, and archaeology. He is also the Associate Director of archaeological excavations at Tel Dan, Israel, and has published a number of works on the relationship of the Bible to the ancient world. The Greer's reside in Grand Rapids, Michigan with their three children.

Each year, Dr. Greer and his wife Jennifer lead our Signature Tour of Egypt, Jordan & Israel. Follow the link below to learn more: Egypt Signature Tour

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The Ramesseum is the memorial temple (or mortuary temple) of Pharaoh Ramesses II ("Ramesses the Great", also spelled "Ramses" and "Rameses"). It is located in the Theban Necropolis in Upper Egypt, on the west of the River Nile, across from the modern city of Luxor. The name – or at least its French form Rhamesséion – was coined by Jean-François Champollion, who visited the ruins of the site in 1829 and first identified the hieroglyphs making up Ramesses's names and titles on the walls. It was originally called the House of millions of years of Usermaatra-setepenra that unites with Thebes-the-city in the domain of Amon.[1] Usermaatra-setepenra was the prenomen of Ramesses II. Episode Images