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posted on Friday February 15 2019 at 12:00 am UTC
We started our day on the Mount of Olives; overlooking Mount Mariah where the Dome of the Rock now sits. Pastor Randy took us to a space of raw land near the Church of Gethsemene that was filled with olive trees. It was easy to imagine the night that Jesus was here; what he saw and felt prior to his...
posted on Thursday February 14 2019 at 12:00 am UTC
We kicked off our first full day in Jerusalem by visiting the City of David. The City of David was located outside of what we now see as the “old” city of Jerusalem. Where we stood on this day we could see the Southern Steps that led to the temple. The City of David was an area just south...
posted on Wednesday February 13 2019 at 11:00 pm UTC
We are here in the city; taking in all of the beauty, history and experiences. I will be keeping today’s blog short and there will not be a piece tomorrow(Thursday). I will put longer pieces together about our time in Jerusalem on our way home. We started our day in the City of David, then...
posted on Wednesday February 13 2019 at 12:00 am UTC
“Real generosity is doing something for someone who will never find out.” Frank A. Clark We started this beautiful sunny day with a visit to Bridges for Peace. They have been in existence for over 50 years. Their primary goal is to build relationships with the Jewish people in Israel...
posted on Tuesday February 12 2019 at 12:00 am UTC
As the sun rose over the Golan Heights and the Sea of Galilee we headed to the Jordan River. Pastor John performed three baptisms and five baptismal recommitments. It was a beautiful way to start the day. Baptism is an outward sign of an inward decision, and it is not required for salvation. After...
posted on Monday February 11 2019 at 12:00 am UTC
The day started out as many of the rest with a full breakfast buffet and plenty of coffee for most. We all seem to be well rested at this point and on Israeli time. We headed out to the Golan Heights area of Israel. Our first stop was in Katzrin (Qatzrin) to experience a Talmudic Jewish 4th century...
posted on Sunday February 10 2019 at 12:00 am UTC
But Jesus would not allow it. “Go home to your own people,” Jesus said “and tell them what the Lord has done for you and how he has shown you mercy.” The man went away and began to proclaim in the Ten Cities all that Jesus had done for him, and everyone was amazed. Mark 5:19-20 After...
posted on Saturday February 09 2019 at 12:00 am UTC
John 4:14 “But whoever drinks from the water that I will give will never be thirsty again. The water that I give will become in those who drink it a spring of water that bubbles up into eternal life.” Our first stop was the one we had to skip yesterday due to the weather, Masada. Masada...
posted on Friday February 08 2019 at 12:00 am UTC
Today we practiced the acronym F.A.T., which means Flexible, Accountable, and Teachable! We all awoke to one plan and by the end of breakfast our plan for the day was changing, and it continued to change throughout the day. It turned into an amazing and wonderful day that we all have so many memories...
posted on Thursday February 07 2019 at 1:00 am UTC
There may be nothing like gathering with a group of strangers and within a short period of time - seemingly minutes we are like old friends. We have a shared experience that is unlike any other that we have had in this life time and today was a wonderful start to our travels here in Israel. We gathered...
posted on Tuesday February 05 2019 at 12:00 am UTC
Nothing like a little Minnesota weather to give excitement to the drive this morning to airport. Thankfully the icy weather moved out and we departed from MSP close to on time. The anticipation of this life changing experience is building as we all gather together in Chicago. We head out at 9:30pm...
posted on Thursday December 20 2018 at 6:54 pm UTC
Our trip will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family, to not only bring you...