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Israel Study Tour with Grace Central Coast

October 28 - November 9, 2019

Led by Ken Peet, Jeremy Peet
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Trip Blog Posts

Our Last Day

posted on Saturday November 09 2019 at 12:00 am UTC

My heart is so full as our last day in Israel comes to a close. I’m blessed to experience the heritage of my faith in Jesus in the fullness of the pictures and places of this special land. As we stood on the Mount of Olives and viewed the Old City of Jerusalem, I’m reminded of Jesus’...

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Wholly lean on Jesus’ name

posted on Friday November 08 2019 at 12:00 am UTC

“From my favorite spot on the floor, I looked out at the blue sky and the bare chestnut tree glistening in the dew...As long as this exists, I thought, the sunshine and this cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I be sad?” Anne Frank, February 23,1944 Vinnie’s and...

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Up to Jerusalem 

posted on Thursday November 07 2019 at 12:00 am UTC

Our first day in Jerusalem started with a short drive to the Old City. We walked through Jaffa Gate and worked our way through a maze of streets and alleyways of the Christian Quarter to the plaza by the Western (Wailing) Wall. The area was traversed by both Jews & Christians as many prayed before...

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In this very place

posted on Wednesday November 06 2019 at 12:00 am UTC

The Jezreel Valley! How can one region hold such a wealth of Biblical history events? And provide so much perspective for the interpretation of and personal engagement with the Scriptures? Today we left the beauty of the Galilee region and drove south and west into the Jezreel Valley. This most fertile...

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Stark contrast

posted on Tuesday November 05 2019 at 1:00 am UTC

Our day began early as we boarded a boat at a pier very near to our hotel. Thankfully the smooth water and sunshine made for pleasant sailing as we crossed the Sea of Galilee. Ken led us in a devotional reading of Matthew 14:22-33. We imagined what it may have been like for the disciples to fearfully...

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Speaking to a full house

posted on Monday November 04 2019 at 1:00 am UTC

We began our day in Katzrin where the remains of a small village were recovered. We were greeted by our host who politely told us that we were ‘underdressed’ to step back in time. We each robed ourselves in tunics and headscarf’s, looking quite similar! We entered an area where three (3) different...

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...because he taught with authority.

posted on Sunday November 03 2019 at 12:00 am UTC

Yesterday, we were In the desert, barren and dry, and without Our Lord. Today, we met Jesus at the Sea of Galilee. We left our kibbutz and headed to the area where Jesus spent the majority of his life. Our first stop, Chorazin, the small community that Jesus rebuked for their lack of repentance,...

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Like a tree planted by the river

posted on Saturday November 02 2019 at 12:00 am UTC

Wow! Everyday has been an experience full of history and amazing sites that make the Bible come alive. Today was no exception! We began the day together at the Dead Sea sharing our thoughts and prayer, then to the David river at En Gedi! Reading scripture , Jeremiah 17:5-8, like a tree planted by...

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The significance of the land of Israel

posted on Friday November 01 2019 at 12:00 am UTC

What a day! First, watching the sun rise over the Dead Sea, followed by an amazing trip to Masada, site of King Herod’s safe haven situated at the top of an impossibly high and steep mountain. Some of our group chose to hike the entire way to the top, but most of us opted to take the gondola. At...

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Faith should be bold and courageous

posted on Wednesday October 30 2019 at 7:00 pm UTC

From our first day in Israel, my God reminded me that my faith should be bold and courageous. I’m reminded that our King wants us to drink from His living water to be satisfied, and that we often fail Him by choosing things of this world. We visited Beth Shemesh, an area below the Judaean...

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Preparing for Israel

posted on Monday September 23 2019 at 6:21 pm UTC

Our trip will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family, to not only bring you...

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