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Wow! Everyday has been an experience full of history and amazing sites that make the Bible come alive. Today was no exception! We began the day together at the Dead Sea sharing our thoughts and prayer, then to the David river at En Gedi! Reading scripture , Jeremiah 17:5-8, like a tree planted by the river where the roots send out to find the living water! This was very moving and fun to celebrate with our church family. Then to head to Qumran to climb rocks and shimmy through tunnels to experience where the scribes hid the Dead Sea Scrolls was surreal! What an adventure! Picking up our lunch ( pita sandwiches) from a taxi cab on the side of the road in the desert was a unique experience we won’t soon forget! To finish our day at the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and watching many people of all cultures getting baptized was heart felt and so moving! Tonight we sleep in a kibbutz at the Sea of Galilee! Does a day get any better than that !!!
We’ll have to see what tomorrow brings!
Thank you Heavenly Father for this day!
Mike and Libby
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