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Help support our friends in Israel in their time of need.
posted on Saturday January 13 2018 at 1:27 am UTC
And with that our tour of the holy land comes to an end, however, the beauty of this trip is what we do from here. How we read the Word in “3D”, how we talk of the land, how we share of our experiences with others when we go home, how we teach our congregations and lead differently after having...
posted on Friday January 12 2018 at 2:04 am UTC
Shalom from Clint and Heather! Another sunny beautiful day in Jerusalem. Walking through Hezekiah's tunnel that brought water into Jerusalem, witnessing and dancing with three different Bar Mitzvahs in the Old City, walking to the Southern steps to Temple, seeing Israel and Holocaust museums, and...
posted on Thursday January 11 2018 at 12:22 am UTC
Written by Randy Alonso It’s been my pleasure to tour the land of Israel twenty times since 2001. Often I tell people at home that no matter how excited I get about sharing how wonderful the experience is to go to the land of Israel, I’ve never had someone say to me once they got here, that...
posted on Wednesday January 10 2018 at 12:14 am UTC
When I first thought of what this trip was going to be like...what I expected...I’ll be honest, IT CAN’T COMPARE to what I have actually experienced so far on this journey in Israel!!! More times than I can count on my fingers or toes alike, I would find myself just murmuring “Wooooooooowwww....”...
posted on Tuesday January 09 2018 at 1:11 am UTC
Coming to Israel was on my bucket list! I never really thought I’d have my feet actually touch the land. God so blessed us to come and experience this adventure that to this point of the trip, has exceeded my expectations on every level! I know the Word is alive and believe with all my heart...
posted on Monday January 08 2018 at 2:22 am UTC
Today was a very full day of sights throughout the Galilee!! From the ancient city of Chorazin to Tabgha to Capernaum to a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee to a falafel lunch to Mount Arbel... we have officially made it to the land where Jesus walked and lived, called his disciples and performed many...
posted on Sunday January 07 2018 at 1:20 am UTC
There’s an old saying that goes, “we make our plans and God laughs.” We find that expressed Biblically in Proverbs 16:9 which says, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” So the “plan” yesterday was to visit Masada, but the weather prevented us from...
posted on Saturday January 06 2018 at 12:44 am UTC
Rain can be seen as such an inconvenience to us. For Israel, and especially in the Negev (Dead Sea area), it only rains 2-4 inches on average a year! What a blessing for Israel and for us to have been here to see it first hand! Our plans to visit Masada changed when we were turned back at the gate...
posted on Thursday January 04 2018 at 11:56 pm UTC
Day 1 from GTI Tours on Vimeo. “Come and see for yourself!” Is one of the only ways we can accurately explain a trip to Israel to family and friends. We get flustered at our inability to articulate everything we experience on this tour. Could we show pictures from the Valley of Elah to tell...
posted on Thursday January 04 2018 at 1:02 am UTC
Just a quick update to let everyone know that we made it to Israel safe and sound. The Miami, Los Angles and Chicago groups met up in Istanbul caught a flight together to Tel Aviv Israel were we met up at the airport with our Israeli ground team. What a long flight with a few delays but as they say,...
posted on Wednesday January 03 2018 at 2:18 am UTC
Hey everyone! We are excited to tell you that all the California crew have arrived at LAX airport and have finished the fun check in process on Turkish Airlines. We are all here, besides our friends flying out of Miami and Chicago who will be meeting us in Istanbull. While our group is not all...
posted on Thursday December 21 2017 at 10:39 pm UTC
Shalom friends and family, I can hardly believe that the time has come for this trip to begin. We at GTI Tours and Hume Lake are very excited for the experience these men and women are about to partake in. Within their busy ministry schedules they have spent the last 4 months studying through a 9...
posted on Monday November 13 2017 at 5:08 pm UTC
On January 2-13th of 2018 a group of 58 pastors, teachers, students (in association with GTI tours and Hume Lake Christian Camps) from different churches and schools throughout the United States will be traveling together on a once in a lifetime study tour of Israel. We invite you; friends, family,...
posted on Thursday August 31 2017 at 3:23 pm UTC
Our trip to Israel will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground in Israel, we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family,...