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Israel In Depth - Dr. Lewis

January 3-16, 2015

Led by Lynn Lewis
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Trip Blog Posts

Study Tour Wrap Up

posted on Tuesday January 27 2015 at 12:26 am UTC

Now that we've returned from our study tour you've hopefully be able to talk to one of us in person about what we saw, heard, learned, and experienced! Below is a wrap up video that serves as a nice summary of the trip and a reminder of all that we did. Leave us a comment below or head over and...

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Last Night in Israel

posted on Saturday January 17 2015 at 1:12 am UTC

On our last night all together in Israel, we gathered and shared how we've been impacted on the trip, encouraging our TBS leadership and our tour guide Ronan. What a wealth of knowledge and passion for teaching they've each brought to our trip! After farewell hugs, we got some sleep and woke up early...

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posted on Thursday January 15 2015 at 11:52 pm UTC

Today we walked the Via Dolorosa, the road of pain that our Lord Jesus took on His way to the cross. Along this journey I was reminded of the many "contrasts" that we have seen these past two weeks between faith in God and other things of this world. So what do we put in place of our faith in God? Fortified...

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Tunnels, Trees and Tombs

posted on Thursday January 15 2015 at 12:45 am UTC

Today our group of adventurers tackling a water-filled tunnel, gaining insight at a model of the city of Jerusalem from the time of Jesus, learning more about the Dead Sea Scrolls, enjoying a traditional Jerusalem lunch, praying in the Garden of Gethsemane and gazing into the Garden Tomb – the possible...

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Day of Dichotomies

posted on Wednesday January 14 2015 at 12:11 am UTC

From the ultra orthodox Jews walking around in black coats and ringlets to the Palestinian boys banging on the bus doors trying to sell us souvenirs; from the intensely reverent prayer chants of the Western wall to the Muslim call to prayer which rings through the streets five times a day; from the Valley...

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The Ascent

posted on Monday January 12 2015 at 9:17 pm UTC

Like Jesus and His disciples 2,000 years ago, today we headed out from the Galilee region and "went up to Jerusalem." Though directionally, Jerusalem sits south of Galilee, in terms of altitude, this statement perfectly describes the journey to Jerusalem. Along the way we stopped off to see Scythopolis,...

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Calming the Storms

posted on Sunday January 11 2015 at 11:50 pm UTC

Our trip through the Holy Land thus far has been life changing, and today followed suit. We began our morning before dawn, leaving our hotel, the Kibbutz Ein-Gev. Our morning’s first activity was a surprise. Jokingly we were told that we would have an opportunity to experience the “kibbutz” life...

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The Land of Black and White

posted on Sunday January 11 2015 at 12:29 am UTC

Day 8 of the TBS Holy Land tour took us to experience the areas of Jesus' ministry near the Sea of Galilee, namely Chorazin, Tabgha, Capernaum and Mt. Arbel. After four days of wind and rain, our group was energized by a beautiful sunny sky and the promise of walking where Jesus ministered and performed...

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Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing

posted on Saturday January 10 2015 at 12:16 am UTC

Our 7th day of adventure began very early with a 4:45 a.m. wake up call, followed by a quick breakfast in the restaurant of the Ein-Gev Holiday Resort nestled right on the banks of the Sea of Galilee. As we had arrived in the dark the night before, and were departing in the dark this morning, everyone...

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Persevering Through the Storm

posted on Friday January 09 2015 at 12:06 am UTC

Day 6 brought an unusually cold storm to Israel that brought the biggest detour we've taken yet. Rather than drive directly north from the Dead Sea up to the Sea of Galilee where our new hotel resides, we made our way back to the Mediterranean coast before heading north to Caesarea and Mt. Carmel, skirting...

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Deserts and Desserts

posted on Thursday January 08 2015 at 12:58 am UTC

The menu for Day 5 was made up of desert, desert and more desert... and okay, yes, a little dessert. From the heights of the rocky mountain fortress Masada to the depths of the Dead Sea (the lowest point on earth), we found ourselves on a wilderness journey much like the prophets and patriarchs. A cold...

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Ascending the Heights and Going Deep

posted on Wednesday January 07 2015 at 12:40 am UTC

Had you come looking for us today on Day 4, we were most likely to be found either atop one of the region's largest hills (called a "tel" here in Israel) or underground in one of the cisterns or Israelite cave homes found throughout the region of the Shephelah (rolling hills). We began the day by touring...

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Our first full day in Israel

posted on Tuesday January 06 2015 at 12:32 am UTC

Our first full day in Israel was exactly that... Full! We started the day with a hearty breakfast at Yad Hashmona Hotel before taking a relatively short drive (nothing is too far in Israel which is roughly the size of the state of New Jersey) to Jericho, which fell to Israelites after they obeyed God...

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We've Arrived

posted on Monday January 05 2015 at 1:05 am UTC

TBS M. Div. study tour group has arrived safe and sound in Israel! Just checked in at the Yad Hashmona Hotel and going to get some good sleep to get ready for our first day out and about tomorrow. Can't wait! In the meantime, you can read on to learn a little about the Israeli city at which we arrived! [topic...

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Preparing for Israel

posted on Wednesday December 10 2014 at 12:17 am UTC

Our trip to Israel will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground in Israel, we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family,...

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