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Had you come looking for us today on Day 4, we were most likely to be found either atop one of the region's largest hills (called a "tel" here in Israel) or underground in one of the cisterns or Israelite cave homes found throughout the region of the Shephelah (rolling hills). We began the day by touring the Biblical Garden at the Yad Hashmona Hotel and waving goodbye to our first hotel of the tour. Taking the scenic route south to our new home for the next two days on the Dead Sea, the Isrotel Ganim Hotel, we first stopped off at Bet Shemesh, the land of Samson from the book of Judges.
A border city between Judah and Dan, Beth Shemesh was given to the Levites. Beth Shemesh was the most important Israelite city in the Sorek Valley as it watched both east-west traffic through the Sorek Valley and north-south traffic along the “Diagonal Route.” Recent excavations have shown a thriving city here from the Middle Bronze Age through the Iron II period.
Next, we visited Tel Azeka where Goliath of the Philistine army taunted the Israelites before David put an end to him below in the valley of Elah. Like David, we too scoured the creek bed for 5 smooth stones as a reminder that God is still bigger and stronger than any foes we may encounter in life. Finally, we wound our way through the underground cave village at Maresha before driving into the desert region near the Dead Sea.
The Brook Elah is famous for the five stones it contributed to the young slinger, David. Some surmise that David chose five stones instead of the one needed in case he needed to face Goliath’s four brothers.
Day 4 brought many glimpses into the historical culture of the Israelites as we saw numerous examples of olive presses, a replica threshing floor, winery, mikhva (ritual bathhouse), and tomb. We learned that olive trees tend to die after roughly 400 years, but a new shoot (or netzer) springs up from the same roots. One of the many functions of olive oil in their day was anointing. These truths shed much light on the prophecy that tells how the Messiah (or anointed one) will spring forth as a shoot from the stump of Jesse.
El valle alrededor de Azeca en el área de Judea es la arena de batalla de dos héroes muy conocidos en la historia de los Israelitas, Sanson contra los Filisteos y David contra Goliat.
Sanson teniendo un don extraordinario de poder físico, un regalo para glorificar a Dios mismo y beneficio de su pueblo, en arrogancia es cegado por la egolatría utilizando este don para su propio beneficio perdiendo así la visión espiritual y física hasta la muerte (leer Jueces 13, 14, 15, 16). Aún con las debilidades de la humanidad de Sanson, Dios Nuestro Rey de los Ejércitos cumple sus propósitos siempre.
Por otro lado en este mismo valle otra historia de verdadera fe en el poder de su Dios, el hijo más joven de Jesi, David, el pastor de la familia tuvo la visión por fe de derrotar al enemigo gigante de los Israelitas, el filisteo Goliat sin ninguna protección física, diciéndole a Goliat: "Tù vienes a mi con espada lanza y jabalina; mas yo vengo a ti en el nombre de Jehova de los ejércitos, el Dios de los escuadrones de Israel, a quien tu has provocado" 1Samuel 17:45.
Con esta visón de fe el joven David derrota al Gigante, glorificando a Dios y liberando a su pueblo. Quien más tarde llegó a ser el Rey David de Israel cumpliendo el propósito de Dios. (Leer 1Samuel17).
Al observar este valle de Elah, nos hace reflexionar que en nuestras batallas diarias nuestra mirada debe ser siempre fija en nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo para cumplir su visión utilizando nuestros dones en servicio a los demás para Su gloria.
It was quite a day full of mountaintops and caves, and the stark contrast as we drove from the lush, green Shephelah to the arid desert region of the Dead Sea in a matter of minutes made us all thankful we can travel by bus and not by foot.
Can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store!
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