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Israel Study Tour with The Well Community Church

November 25 - December 6, 2018

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A Simpler Life

Our group visited the Ancient Katzrin Village in Golan Heights as we drove up the mountains and away from the Sea of Galilee. We were transported back to a time when there was less distraction and more community....a simpler, richer way of life. There we saw how a family and community would have lived together in a small area. Each household had a small plot of land to grow enough wheat for the members of their house along with goats that would provide milk. It was fascinating to see the modest stone homes and learn how the son of a family would build onto his fatherʼs house when he was ready to be married. The image of the “cornerstone” became vivid in the model we saw. From an existing wall on the fatherʼs house there would be a cornerstone placed and then another. Then two complete walls plus a half wall with an entry would complete a home using the fatherʼs home as the pre-existing forth wall. The father and the community would work with the groom to prepare the house.


The ancient Jewish farming village of Katzrin was built around a spring, which still flows. Although there were standing ruins on the site, archaeological excavations have increased the number of accessible ancient buildings. An ancient synagogue was discovered in 1967 and excavated between 1971 and 1984. Other parts of the village were excavated beginning in 1983. Some of the buildings have been reconstructed on their ancient foundations and furnished with replicas of household goods and tools

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We then traveled north to visit the area in Israel where the tribe of Dan settled. There was an altar at a high place where we read about Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12Q26-30. As King of Israel at the time, Jeroboam was ruling over ten tribes in the North while Rehoboam ruled over Judah and two tribes in the south (which included Jerusalem). Under the guise of creating a simpler and more convenient way to offer sacrifice and worship Jeroboam led the people into idolatry and agredious sin.

Tel Dan

On the northern frontier of the kingdom, Dan was particularly well fortified. This gatehouse was built in the ninth century BCE, probably by Ahab, and is part of a series of gateways discovered.

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Following Godʼs model of community and simple stewardship we see a a truly simple yet rich life of connectedness and provision in the Katzrin Village. The overly politicized motives and self preservation we see in Jeroboamʼs leadership to provide convenience to ultimately control the people is unsettling. The convenience kept Godʼs people from the true worship and sacrifice God required of them. The irony in this example is how convenience led to sin which ultimately led to captivity.

Take a moment to reflect on how excesses, distractions, and conveniences may be keeping us from truly worshipping Him in the manner in which He may be calling us to. A simpler life may be something we all can consider in some form or another.

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