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Turkey Study Tour with Sunrise Community Church

February 17-28, 2024

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Day 05 - From the Skies of Hierapolis to the Ruins of Aphrodisias

Our journey through Turkey reached new heights—literally—on the fifth day. Awakening before dawn, we embarked on a surreal adventure: a hot air balloon ride over Hierapolis. As the sun peeked over the horizon, casting a golden hue across the sky, we were treated to a breathtaking view of the Turkish mountain range and the ancient ruins below. Floating over Hierapolis was like traveling back in time; beneath us lay the remnants of a city that once teemed with over 100,000 people, where figures such as Philip and Paul walked, sharing the Gospel and where Philip was eventually martyred.


The highlight of this aerial journey was undoubtedly seeing the Hierapolis thermal pools. As we drifted above, the morning light revealed crystal blue waters contrasted against stark white cliffs—nature’s artwork crafted by the high concentration of sodium bicarbonate in the water. This natural wonder occurs as the thermal waters rise, depositing calcium which hardens into travertine, creating the white terraces that give the illusion of snow against the landscape. It's no wonder that the modern name of this town is "Pamukkale", meaning "cotton castle." Pastor Luke guided us through a reflection on the vastness of God's creation inspired by Psalm 147 and a reflection that grounded us in a profound appreciation of God's omnipotence.



Our journey then led us to Aphrodisias, a city that once echoed with the chisels of sculptors and the prayers to the goddess of love. Here, amidst ruins that whispered of ancient glories, Aphrodisias, with its dedication to the ancient gods and its renowned school of marble sculpture, offered a stark backdrop to our next spiritual discourse. In the grandeur of the city's stadium, capable of holding 30,000 spectators, Pastor Luke shared insights into the nature of love as taught by the Apostles. Drawing from Ephesians 2:1-10 and 1 Corinthians 13, he highlighted the stark differences between the Roman and Biblical definitions of love. This moment of reflection in a place once centered on appeasing gods through rituals contrasted deeply with the Christian understanding of love—a covenantal and relational love, free from fear and full of grace.


Exhausted yet fulfilled, we concluded our day at the thermal pools of Sardis. Our conversations revolved around the day's experiences, from the awe-inspiring balloon ride to the profound lessons amidst ancient ruins. It was a day of contrasting beauties, from natural wonders to spiritual insights, leaving us eager for what tomorrow holds on this journey through Turkey.

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