Turkey Study Tour with Sunrise Community Church

February 17-28, 2024

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Day 01 - Exploring the Footsteps of Faith

As we embark on our spiritual journey through the lands that bear witness to the early spread of Christianity, it's essential to start our day with reflection and inspiration from the Scriptures. Today, our hearts and minds are anchored in Acts 13:1-13, where we trace the initial steps of Paul's first missionary journey. This passage not only sets the stage for our exploration but also invites us to ponder the profound ways God equips and sends out His servants for the work of the gospel.


Devotional Thought:

In Acts 13, the Holy Spirit calls for Barnabas and Saul (later known as Paul) to be set apart for the work to which He has called them. This moment is pivotal, not just for these two men but for the history of Christian mission. As we walked through the ancient city of Antalya (historically known as Attalia), where Paul and his companions once trod, it's awe-inspiring to consider how the Roman infrastructure played a crucial role in the spreading of the gospel. The well-paved roads, the strategic port, and the Roman penchant for order and connectivity made it possible for the early Christians to travel, preach, and establish churches across vast distances.


The Roman Road: An Unlikely Catalyst for the Gospel

The Roman Empire, with its expansive network of roads, was an empire of unprecedented connectivity. These roads, some of which we have walked on today in Antalya, were not just routes for military and economic logistics but became the pathways for the message of Christ to reach the ends of the known world. The infrastructure that was meant to consolidate Roman power became the very means through which the gospel spread rapidly. In Romans 10:15, Paul quotes Isaiah, saying, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Today, standing on the remnants of those Roman roads, we are reminded that God’s ways are indeed higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9), using even the imperial ambitions of Rome to facilitate His salvation plan.

Antalya, a jewel of the Mediterranean, offered us not just a lesson in history but a profound insight into the resilience and determination of the early Christians. As we explored the ancient ruins, we could almost hear the echoes of the past, the bustling marketplaces, the gatherings of believers in secret meetings, and the silent prayers of those who were about to embark on perilous journeys for the sake of the gospel. The city, once a strategic port for Paul and his missionary endeavors, today stands as a testament to the enduring power of faith that overcomes the barriers of empires.


Academic Insights: Understanding Early Christian Missionary Work

 From an academic perspective, studying Paul’s journey in connection with the Roman infrastructure provides a fascinating insight into the socio-political context of early Christian missionary work. The Pax Romana (Roman Peace) and the Roman legal system offered a unique period of stability and relative freedom of movement for citizens and subjects of the Empire. This facilitated not just commerce and cultural exchange but also the spread of religious ideas, including Christianity. Paul's strategic use of the Roman roads and cities underscores the early church's awareness and adaptability to its geopolitical environment. This adaptability is a lesson in the importance of understanding and engaging with our own cultural contexts in our mission work.

The story of Paul’s use of Roman roads is a powerful reminder of God’s sovereignty over all human achievements and systems. It challenges us to consider how God might be using the infrastructure and systems of our time to advance His kingdom. As we reflect on Paul's journeys, we are reminded of the importance of being open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, utilizing the resources and opportunities God places in our path to fulfill our calling and mission.

As we conclude our day in Antalya, reflecting on Paul’s journey and our own paths of faith, we are reminded of the importance of being open to God's calling, regardless of the means He chooses to use. Just as the Roman roads were instrumental in the spread of the gospel, God uses our circumstances, resources, and connections in ways we might never expect to advance His kingdom.

Whether walking on ancient roads or navigating the complexities of our modern world, we are part of the same mission that drove Paul and his companions across the Roman world—to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all who have ears to hear.

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