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Homesick For Israel Signature Study Tour

September 3-14, 2023

Led by Rich Ferreira
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Trip Blog Posts

Day 09 - Ayalon Institute, Jaffa, Farewell Dinner

posted on Wednesday September 13 2023 at 7:00 pm UTC

Our group knew our last day in Israel was going to be special. It started out with rain drops – something that is listed online as 0% chance! By the time we reached our first destination, the sun was back out. We visited the Ayalon Institute. What a fascinating place! This museum is built on a...

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Day 08 - Church of the Annunciation, Mt. Precipice, Kefar Kedem, Sepphoris, Tel Aviv

posted on Tuesday September 12 2023 at 5:00 pm UTC

Tuesday morning started warm and balmy as we loaded our luggage and said farewell to Rich. As the GM of GTI, he is a busy guy and had to leave our group early to join another group arriving in Turkey tonight. Ronen took the reins and gave us a brief teaching on the bus as we drove into old Nazareth....

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Day 07 - Acco, Rosh Hanikra, Zefat

posted on Monday September 11 2023 at 5:00 pm UTC

Comments at dinner this evening included words such as, “fascinating” and “interesting”. Our Monday in Israel was atypical and unique, a common thread through this tour. Today we visited Acco (or Acre) along the northern coastline of the Mediterranean, not a biblical site but...

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Day 06 - Capernaum, Katzrin, Magdala, Ancient Boat, Galilee Boat Ride

posted on Sunday September 10 2023 at 6:00 pm UTC

  What a day! We came off the bus this evening saying, “I can’t believe how much we did in one day!” It started with a meaningful devotion led by Pastor Adam after breakfast. He shared a story about questioning his faith as a young adult and feeling overwhelmed by the spiritual...

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Day 05 - Good Samaritan Inn, Kibbutz Almog, Lower Jordan, Jericho

posted on Saturday September 09 2023 at 6:00 pm UTC

After getting in late from Shabbat dinner last night, we were moving a little slowly this Shabbat morning. But after a little coffee awakened us, we left Jerusalem and headed south to the Judean desert. The scenery from the bus windows was the same thing on repeat – hill after hill of dry, brown...

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Day 04 - Mount of Olives, Mt. Zion, Jewish Quarter, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Shabbat of a Lifetime

posted on Friday September 08 2023 at 2:00 pm UTC

  When your feet are throbbing by 4pm and your step count is over 10,000, you know it’s been a good day on tour! To be in Jerusalem all day is a privilege; to be there on a Friday as Jewish families prepare for Shabbat gives an interesting perspective.   After another...

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Day 03 - Bethel, Shiloh, Mt. Gerizim

posted on Thursday September 07 2023 at 5:00 pm UTC

Altars & Living Stones - Our journey today spanned thousands of years of biblical history from Old Testament to New. The group enjoyed today's sites so much we are calling them The Trifecta. It wasn’t so much that we saw amazing architecture or ruins but more...

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Day 02 - Neot Kedumim, Beth Guvrin (Maresha), Archaeological Dig

posted on Wednesday September 06 2023 at 3:00 pm UTC

EREV TOV (good evening) from Israel! Our second day here was a great one full of interesting learning and hands-on experiences. As usual we began with a beautiful breakfast buffet and hot coffee, tea, and juices. The Dan Hotel has such good food and offers everything a person could want (except bacon...

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Day 01 - Temple Mount, Hebron, Wood Carving Artist

posted on Tuesday September 05 2023 at 5:00 pm UTC

We gathered after breakfast for a few team building exercises and then jumped on the bus to head straight for the Temple Mount. Ronen gave us a brief history of Jerusalem, focusing on Abraham’s sacrifice with Isaac from Genesis 22, and the many parallels not only to contemporary practice...

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Day 00 - ARRIVAL

posted on Monday September 04 2023 at 7:00 pm UTC

We made it to Israel! We are tired but happy to be here. Thank God for safe flights and that all our luggage arrived! Now we will have a good night's sleep and start our itinerary in the morning. Keep watching for updates. SHALOM from Jerusalem! (This photo is a portion of our group from Lawrenceville,...

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Preparing for Israel

posted on Friday August 04 2023 at 12:58 pm UTC

Our trip will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family, to not only bring you along...

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