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Footsteps of Moses

March 16-28, 2023

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Day 03 - The Greatness of Pharaoh/New Kingdom Mortuary Temples: Bricks, Ramesseum, Luxor Temple, Karnak

Our third day in Egypt began with a sunrise boat ride on the Nile. We then boarded the bus and headed to a mud brick factory in Luxor. Several of us got to try our hand at the ancient art of brick making. We now have a new understanding and appreciation for the Israelite slaves who had to make "bricks without straw" in Egypt (Exodus 5).

We then crossed over to the west bank of the Nile to visit the Ramesseum, the 13th century BC mortuary temple of Ramesses the Great, which also had a storage city like the one Joseph used to store grain in preparation of the famine (Genesis 41:49).

Our next stop was an alabaster shop where we could watch workers transform bulky stones into beautiful cups, bowls and vases, all carved smooth to the touch! This reminded me of the story in the gospels of the woman who brought an alabaster jar full of expensive perfumed oil to annoint the feet of Christ.

After lunch, we visited both Luxor Temple and Karnak - the largest temple complex in the world at over 250 acres and the second most visited site in Egypt after the Pyramids! It honors not only Amun (creator god) but also other gods and rulers who contributed to the site. It was built gradually over the centuries, with each new Pharaoh adding to it. "Its temples, chapels,obelisks, columns and statues built over 2,000 years incorporate the finest aspects of Egyptian art and architecture into a great historical monument of stone" (Margaret Bunson).

For our last stop of the day, we visited a papyrus shop where we watched a demonstration of how papyrus paper is made from the plant. Beware of fake papyrus that is actually made from banana leaves! Many of us chose treasures to bring home as mementos of our time here. 

Now we are off to board our Nile River cruise boat where we will enjoy a buffet dinner and a good night's sleep!

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