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Israel In Depth Study Tour - North Coast Church

June 18-29, 2018

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Day 05 - Sun Jun 24

Another great day in Israel.

For Linda’s family she was with us all day and doing great.

First stop was Capernaum. We got to see a Synagogue where Jesus taught at and the A postle Peter’s house.

The house was on the Galilee where Jesus performed three of his miracles.


Jesus made Capernaum his home during the years of his ministry: “Leaving Nazareth he went and lived in Capernaum” (Matt 4:13).

Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen living in the village. Matthew the tax collector also dwelt here.

Capernaum is one of the three cities cursed by Jesus for its lack of faith.

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The second stop was Katzrin where we experienced first century living.

We dressed up, prepared a meal and ate.


The ancient Jewish farming village of Katzrin was built around a spring, which still flows. Although there were standing ruins on the site, archaeological excavations have increased the number of accessible ancient buildings. An ancient synagogue was discovered in 1967 and excavated between 1971 and 1984. Other parts of the village were excavated beginning in 1983. Some of the buildings have been reconstructed on their ancient foundations and furnished with replicas of household goods and tools

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We also went in a house that really brought the scriptures to life being able to see where and how life was lived back then.

We also saw the boarder of Syria and Lebanon.

The fourth stop was amazing to experience, it was Ceasrea Phillipi,

It was where Jesus asked his disciples “who do they say I am”.

The amount of clarity we are gaining about the Bible and what it was like during the time of Jesus is amazing.

Caesarea Philippi

This abundant water supply has made the area very fertile and attractive for religious worship. Numerous temples were built at this city in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.

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Last stop wine tasting!!!

What fun, we tasted 8 different wines all made right here next to the Galilee....

Best part watching Ronan sing to us..

Great time for everyone, a true sense of community...

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