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GTI Family Turkey Study Tour

November 17-26, 2023

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Day 01 - Pergamum

"These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city—where Satan lives..." Revelation 2:12-13

What a great first day we had in Turkey! Our morning began with a beautiful breakfast buffet at our hotel including eggs, potatoes, fruits and vegetables, breads and pastries as well as fresh juices, coffee and tea. We took a little extra time getting acquainted with one another and memorizing names, as there are 75 of us! Many of us have traveled together on previous staff & family trips, except the little kids are now teens and young adults.

Since our group is a large one, we are divided into three buses based on color: blue, green and yellow. The luggage is marked with tags of the appropriate color to help the bus drivers keep it all straight. 

We left at 9am and headed to our first site, Pergamum! Its name come from pergamos, meaning "height, elevation or citadel." This city has been occupied since ancient times (7th century BC) and was the former capitol of Asia Minor. By the first century, Ephesus replaced it because of its large harbor. Pergamum had been the most important city in all Asia until then, an "architectural sensation", as historian Pliny the Elder described it. One of our three Turkish guides Ozan summarized Roman methods this way: "they loved high places so they could scrape off whatever was on top and build a monument to themselves." Pergamum is no exception! At 1000 feet above sea level, this was the perfect spot for monuments and pagan temples - 13 in all.

Perhaps the most stunning structure is the re-constructed section of the Temple to Emperor Trajan. You will see in the photos the huge columns with Corinthian capitals and the massive pediment on top. We also learned that the capitals were lifted by pulleys and mounted on top of the columns. Only then were they carved and painted (mind blown)!

After our visit to the acropolis (high place for kings and deities), we traveled by bus to the lower city and walked through what was the "Asclepion", the Healing Center dedicated to Asclepius (god of healing). As our group walked the ancient road, we could turn around and see the steep theater in the far distance looming on the hilltop like a throne (Satan's throne).

Pagan worship was a large part of the lifestyle here in Pergamum. The Christians were feeling the pressure from the culture around them to compromise (sound familiar?). "Pergamum: The church that needed to repent of sin" is a description that can also apply to us. When we have idolatry in our lives, Christ calls us to turn, not only away from the false idol but back to Him. Studying the Seven Churches of Revelation is a great reminder that the Word has an amazing quality - it can be written to a group of believers in the first century and still be applicable to us today! 

Thanks for following our journey. Tomorrow, on to Sardis and Philadelphia!


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