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Turkey, Greece Study Tour with The Forge Guild

May 1-11, 2018

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After two great nights in our hotel, we bid farewell to Pamukkale and began to make our way northeast as we continue to talk about the message to the seven churches.

Along the way, we stopped at a non-Biblical site called Aphrodisias. It has some unique examples of Roman architecture that we couldn’t see anywhere else and that helped us understand the context of the Roman world. First, the city is home to the largest and most complete stadium ever found in antiquity. Second, it hosts a magnificent Sebasteion - a building that lined a sacred way to an imperial cult temple.

After taking in the amazing sights at Aphrodisias, we enjoyed a delightful lunch before making our way to the ancient location of Philadelphia. There are no ancient remains of the city left today, but we were able to learn how it’s historical context helps us understand Jeaus’ words to the church.

Both sites today helped us focus on and consider our heavenly citizenship and allegiance. Learning about the Roman way of life helped us better understand how we should engage with the culture around us as citizens of the Kingdom of God.

Our health and spirits remain high; we feel great and are enjoying our time as well as each others’ company. Tomorrow we head to Sardis and Thyatira.

Until then!

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