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Israel Study Tour with Covenant Life Church

March 13-23, 2023

Led by Marshall Holtvluwer, Bob DeVries
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Trip Blog Posts

Day 08 - Jerusalem: Herodium, Johnny's (shopping), Pool of Bethesda, St. Anne's Church, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Via Dolorosa

posted on Wednesday March 22 2023 at 8:00 pm UTC

We boarded our bumble bee-looking bus out for our last day of teachings. It was such a beautiful drive on the way over. Some of us remembered and pondered a teaching from yesterday as we drove. For it was only but yesterday that we reached the top of the Mount of Olives where Pastor Bob spoke. Tensions...

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Day 07 - Jerusalem: Hezekiah's Tunnel, Southern Steps, Western Wall, Gethsemane

posted on Tuesday March 21 2023 at 9:00 pm UTC

Today’s blog is a special blog. Instead of it being written by one person it is written by everyone on this trip. The thirty-one people are divided into five different family groups. Each group is writing on one particular stop that we had today. Therefore, it is the opinion of this writer, that...

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Day 06 - Galilee: Beth Shean, Mt. Carmel, Caesarea Maritima

posted on Monday March 20 2023 at 9:00 pm UTC

This was a wonderful day that filled our hearts, impacted our minds, and stunned our eyes. This blog will not be the longest that we have sent out, but do know that our day was filled with enjoyment. Our encouragement is that you will reach out to the people on this trip when they return and ask them...

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Day 05 - Galilee: Katzrin, Tel Dan, Caesarea Philippi

posted on Sunday March 19 2023 at 6:00 pm UTC

Today we found out early that we were not going to have as many of stops as yesterday. Just as we found that out the weather told us it wasn’t going to be as nice as it was yesterday, either. From our first stop until our last the rain decided it wanted to play musical chairs on our stops. When...

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Day 04 - Galilee: Galilee Boat Ride, Ancient Boat (Ginosar), Tabgha, Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum, Chorazin, Mount Arbel

posted on Saturday March 18 2023 at 8:00 pm UTC

This fourth day of adventure was certainly that. We had more stops today than a school bus! Let’s see if we can give a short summary of the experience. We started off in Susita. This would be the place where Jesus commands the demons to come out of the man and after doing so, the demons went into...

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Day 03 - Wilderness: Ein Gedi, Qumran , Bethany Beyond the Jordan, Susita

posted on Friday March 17 2023 at 9:00 pm UTC

This day started with Pastor Marshall teaching as we overlooked the Dead Sea for a time of devotionals. He taught us that the Dead Sea is dead because it has no outlet. The water that comes in and has no place to go and it causes it to be dead. It has flowing water that is coming and going nowhere. Then...

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Day 02 - Wilderness: Masada, Bedouin Hospitality, Tel Arad, Dead Sea

posted on Friday March 17 2023 at 12:00 am UTC

We rose this morning with eager anticipation to look out of the windows to see if the winds and rains would beat us for the second straight day or if the rays of sunshine would encourage the peach fuzz on our checks to rise, and to our delight the sun was beaming down. Some rose early enough to watch...

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Day 01 - Shephelah: Yad Hashmonah, Beth Shemesh, Azekah, Caves of Adullam, Shepherds Cave, Lachish

posted on Wednesday March 15 2023 at 9:00 pm UTC

This morning when we rose from our beds we found ourselves outmatched by the impressive and visually stunning breakfast at the hotel. This buffet was vibrant with colors and food dishes the enticed our cultural curiosity. As we left the hotel and boarded our bus we found ourselves with visibility of...

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Day 00 - Arrival

posted on Tuesday March 14 2023 at 9:00 pm UTC

There was a long line to check into the airport with Turkish Airlines, but once it got moving, it went quickly. After going through security, the group eagerly anticipated the departing flight that would be in three more hours. Good conversations and introductions were being made by all members...

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Preparing for Israel

posted on Tuesday March 07 2023 at 6:46 pm UTC

Our trip will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family, to not only bring you along...

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