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Help support our friends in Israel in their time of need.
We arrived safely in Israel. It was so smooth getting here. We did not have any flight trouble or delays and the people meeting us from other parts of the country (or world!) get here fine too.
We arrived at around 7:30 at night. After a lot of flying (and some sleeping) we are finding our way to bed to rest before this wonderful trip begins. We are staying at a hotel in the "Hills of Judea" — and though we are close to Jerusalem, we are going to go in there yet. We are just being teased by it. However, we will be there soon enough. After some good rest, we will head to the wilderness, to the Negev. Our first day will be full of hiking, which is going to feel good on our legs after sitting for so many hours on flights!
Thank you for all your prayers. We had safe and uneventful travels. Now it is time to sleep. We will continue to post as the internet (and time) is available. Pray that God will speak to us and show us more of Himself in this amazing land.
Good night. Psalm 127:2.
Josh (and friends).
With 30 years of experience creating trips for other ministries, we've prepared our own signature study tours featuring some of our favorite itineraries and compelling teachers! If you've never been on a GTI Study Tour, take a moment to learn more about what you can expect.