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Israel-in-Depth with Rod VanSolkema

March 1-13, 2019

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Where the stories unfolded

What an amazing day of Gods word and lessons of the Old Testament in His chosen land. It is the end of the winter season here. Green and lush everywhere right now. Ripe lemons on the trees and wild flowers in bloom. The lilies of the valleys (red poppies) are everywhere. Morning temperatures were chilly, not cold. The walking was varied in every aspect of the word. Because of the rain that proceeded our arrival. At times it was a bit slippery but full of excitement with nearly every step. Rugged, steep, flat, smooth, firm footings as well as loose gravel.

We spent the day in the foothills, Shephelah the land between the costal plain and the mountains. Valleys where towns were established along routes through the region. Gezer, one of three towns in bible that had a six-chamber gate, which eludes to its strategic importance in its day. Six chambers would have made it easier to protect it from invaders. Azekah, home of Sampson, a valley south of Gezer. In the land of Dan where their unfaithfulness to God left them without an inheritance. Then on to Lachish a northern city of Judea. All places I’ve read about but until now only saw as bible stories.


Situated near the International Coastal Highway and guarding the primary route into the Israelite hill country, Gezer was one of the most strategic cities in the Canaanite and Israelite periods. Gezer is a prominent 33-acre site that overlooked the Aijalon Valley and the road leading through it to Jerusalem. The tel was identified as biblical Gezer in 1871 by C. Clermont-Ganneau who two years later found the first of many boundary stones inscribed with the city’s name.

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Remains of each still in place so that I am now connected to them through his word. I’ve been there now, touched the stone walls. Walked through the gates. I can’t really put everything into words. I am not just a reader of a story, now I am where the stories unfolded and have a new way to experience them, on the ground and in his word.

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