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GTI Signature Tours Presents:

August 2-17, 2018

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This morning we said goodbye to our desert dwellings and set off from Wadi Rum to Petra. Along the way, we serendipitously came across a shepherd and his flock where we learned about shepherd leadership.

The flock provided a great lesson, but the day will probably be remembered for our walk through the mile long siq of Petra. Along the way, we learned again how vital water is in the desert and how masterful the ancient Nabateans were in channeling and collecting it to further their economic prowess. We also saw many elaborate tombs carved into the sandstone - the most famous of them being the Treasury which served as the backdrop for “Indiana Jones and the Search for the Holy Grail.” 

After all that walking, we were happy and maybe a little nervous to see our rides arrive - donkeys! We’ll sleep well tonight and look forward to another full day of new experiences tomorrow. Thanks for following along with us!

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