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GTI Signature Tours Presents:

August 2-17, 2018

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The Great Pyramid

The Great Pyramid. The mysterious Sphinx. These iconic images of ancient Egypt came alive before our eyes as we learned and explored the rocky desert of Giza today. The tombs - or “houses” as the ancient Egyptians referred to them - of Pharaoh Khufu, his son Khafre, and grandson Menkaure pierce the sky against the backdrop of the Sahara desert, each a shrine to their gods and a symbol of an empty hope - resurrection to a god-man status in the after life.

The Great Pyramid is the last of the seven wonders of the world in existence. There are 108 pyramids still in the world today; this the largest of them and the second oldest, dated around 2800 B. C. - making it approximately 4600 years old. To give you an idea of the size of this single pyramid, if you broke up each stone into the size of a hand and placed them side by side, they would cover two-thirds of the surface of the earth. Abraham, Joseph, and Moses would have viewed these same structures as they walked with God on earth. These massive burial markers were standing when Mary and Joseph took their young son Jesus and fled from King Herod to safety in Egypt.

The pyramids are marvels and the only evidence of “god” the children of Israel knew when Moses led them out of slavery and into an unknown promised land. What a contrast to be told to construct a Tent to house the presence of their one true God! Their Deliverer wanted to be clear - I am not a god who only wants to rule over and enslave you. I am a God who desires to dwell among you.

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