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Help support our friends in Israel in their time of need.

Legacy Path Experience

June 2-13, 2018

Subscription options are no longer available for this tour.

Our Last Day

Day 9, our last day. How do we put today into words? Everything we did was moving and emotional. We are a changed people because of this trip.

Today was all about Jesus. We started our day at the Mount of Olives. This is where Jesus ascended into Heaven. We talked through Zechariah 14: 1-12 and we discussed much more. It was amazing to be there on the Mount of Olives. We also visited Gethsemene, just a small hike down from the Mount of Olives. There were some many “light bulb” moments for us here when Pastor Brian broke down, pointed out, and explained scripture to us in ways that we have never thought of. Our eyes were newly opened many times, many of us becoming emotional over this.... kind of like “the blind can see” moment. We spent a lot of time in The Book of Mark. This is the place where Jesus was scourged (hit with a whip that had bone, glass, and broken pottery on the end of it.) Again, all very emotional and moving.

Next was Bethesda. People came here for healing. This is where Jesus healed the man that the Roman god Asclepius couldn’t heal.

We went to The Church of the Holy Sepulchre. This is where Jesus was crucified and placed in the tomb. We read Psalm 48.

Last stop was Cardo/Southern Steps. His was on the other side of the Temple Mount and Western Wall. We talked about Pentecost. We read in Acts 2 and Exodus 32. This is the place that Peter, after receiving the Holy Spirit, preached to a large crowd and 3000 gave their lives to Christ.

We enjoyed a beautiful dinner together at the end of the day. Tomorrow we fly back to you so get ready to hear all about our life changing trip to Israel.

We WILL throw our rock! We WILL be Living Stones! We WILL keep drinking!

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