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This morning, we journeyed from land to sea and stepped foot onto a large boat on the Sea of Galilee. With a clear blue sky, sun above, and the calm deep blue sea, we set sail and started our morning singing worship songs.
After a short teaching from Pastor Michael, our tour guide gave us a brief Israeli dance lesson and we ended our boat ride with an impromptu dance party. Afterwards, we visited a museum on the shore and saw a 1st century boat that was found in the Sea of Galilee a couple decades ago.
Next, we headed to Mount Arbel, where most of the team did a rigorous hike up the mountain that took about one hour and a half. At the top, we ended with a teaching and worship time. It truly was a spectacular sight!
Mount Arbel (Hebrew: הר ארבל, Har Arbel) is a mountain in The Lower Galilee near Tiberias in Israel, with high cliffs, views of Mount Hermon in the Golan Heights, trails to a cave-fortress, and ruins of an ancient synagogue. Mt. Arbel sits across from Mount Nitai; their cliffs were created as a result of the Jordan Rift Valley and the geological faults that produced the valleys.
Then we were off to see the Harod springs in the valley of Jezebel. The area was relaxing and some of the group decided to take a swim in the cool waters.
We ended the day by walking through the ruins of a Roman city from around 63 BC called Bet She’an.
Located 17 miles (27 km) south of the Sea of Galilee, Beth Shean is situated at the strategic junction of the Harod and Jordan Valleys. The fertility of the land and the abundance of water led the Jewish sages to say, “If the Garden of Eden is in the land of Israel, then its gate is Beth Shean.” It is no surprise then that the site has been almost continuously settled from the Chalcolithic period to the present.
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