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Our first stop this morning was Chorazin a village in northern Galilee, which means “Furnace.” Here we learned about the process for a Jewish wedding, and how it is very much like how Jesus is preparing a place in Heaven for us right now. We also discussed the idea of Insula, which is a family living space with houses surrounded by a courtyard. But the deeper meaning is that we are connected to the people around us, we have community. Insula means that “I know you, and you know me.”
The synagogue at Chorazin is a typical “Galilean” style synagogue. These synagogues are characterized by 1) a basilical shape with three hallways separated by two rows of pillars; 2) three doorways and the central one is the largest; 3) benches around the interior walls; 4) a stylobate to support the weight of the arches.
Our second stop for the day was Mount Arbel. Our group hiked up about a half mile to the top where you are overlooking the Sea of Galilee and beyond. It’s known as the “place you would come to be ambushed by God” or “Prayer mountain.” When Jesus “withdrew to desolate places” this is where he came. We got to spend some time alone praying.
Mount Arbel (Hebrew: הר ארבל, Har Arbel) is a mountain in The Lower Galilee near Tiberias in Israel, with high cliffs, views of Mount Hermon in the Golan Heights, trails to a cave-fortress, and ruins of an ancient synagogue. Mt. Arbel sits across from Mount Nitai; their cliffs were created as a result of the Jordan Rift Valley and the geological faults that produced the valleys.
Our third stop for the day was Magdala, which means "Tower." We visited a first century synagogue that Jesus visited. Mary Magdalene was from Magdala, in each of the four Gospels she was a witness to the empty tomb.
From there we moved on to Capernaum, a fishing village on the Sea of Galilee. Camernaum was the center of the ministry of Jesus. Here we learned about the Rabbi, and the process for being selected to join a Rabbi and learn his yoke. We learned that a Rabbi's disciples wanted to walk fast, and stay near their Rabbi. This is also known as "Walking in the dust of your Rabbi." The Rabbi/disciple relationship isn't for education, it's for transformation. And that Jesus was teaching His disciples to be just like Him. The takeaway from our teaching at Capernaum is that "Jesus chose me, and I can be just like him."
Jesus made Capernaum his home during the years of his ministry: “Leaving Nazareth he went and lived in Capernaum” (Matt 4:13).
Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen living in the village. Matthew the tax collector also dwelt here.
Capernaum is one of the three cities cursed by Jesus for its lack of faith.
From Capernaum we took a short drive to Bethsaida. It's known for being the home of Philip. Here we talked about our call to courageous discipleship. Philip left Bethsaida and traveled to Turkey where he was ministering. He was later crucified upside down in Hieraplos. The big takeaway from this site was "How could a kid from a small town, Bethsaida go this far without seeing the resurrected Jesus?"
It was an incredible day of learning and being together, our team is doing great! Pray for supernatural rest tonight, and we would be ready to see what the Lord has for us tomorrow.
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