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Israel In Depth - Legacy Path Experience

November 26 - December 7, 2017

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Our first stop for the day was in Gamla, we stopped here and talked about Vultures often times they are Eagles. The picture for us was when a Rabbi spreads his prayer shaw, his disciples were "under his wings." From there we moved up the trail a little bit and talked a lot about the Zealots. They had a hideout here in Gamla. Brian encouraged asking us "How zealous are we for the cause of Christ?"


Known sometimes as the “Masada of the North,” Gamla is most famous for its strong defense against the Romans in the Jewish Revolt in AD 66. The site is bordered on all sides by deep wadis of the Golan Heights and is approachable by only one footpath from the northeast. The earliest settlement was in the Early Bronze Age and the site was reinhabited by returning exiles from Babylon. Herod the Great settled Jews here to populate his border cities.

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From Gamla we traveled to Qasrin. The really neat thing about this place is it is one of the only places we will see where they have rebuilt what was there. This allowed us to get inside an actual Home...where together we read the story of Jesus healing the paralytic.

We next visited Mount Bental. Nothing significant from the Bible happened here, but our guide Ronan gave us an excellent history lesson about tensions in the land over the last 50 years or so. From here we were able to see into Syria and Lebanon.

Our next stop was Caesarea Philippi, also known as the rock of the gods. It was believed by the Romans to be the entrance to the underworld. We saw a temple to Augustus Cesar and talked about a lot of the awful things that happened here. Jesus brought his disciples here to show them that on this rock He was going to build His church. This was a powerful teaching time for us. Being here and seeing this large rock, and what it meant was really moving because it showed us the church of Jesus can be built anywhere.

Caesarea Philippi

This abundant water supply has made the area very fertile and attractive for religious worship. Numerous temples were built at this city in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.

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Our last stop for the day was in the City of Dan. King Solomon ruled here as well as his two sons. They had a temple here and worshipped golden calves. We talked about how doing what's right in your own eyes lead to slippage here. Brian challenged us by asking us what breadcrumbs we are leaving behind for people who follow us, for the next generation.

Tel Dan

On the northern frontier of the kingdom, Dan was particularly well fortified. This gatehouse was built in the ninth century BCE, probably by Ahab, and is part of a series of gateways discovered.

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