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HESED Service Tour

February 17 - March 6, 2016

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The Lord is the strength of his people

We awakened to a sunny, crisp morning as we prepared for our one-half hour trek to the kehilah (congregation) in Rehovot. We were greeted ever so warmly as we entered. The congregation is a diverse one. In addition to Israelis, there are Russians, and students from Uganda, Kenya, and Russia who are studying at the Weizmann Institute and other educational institutions. One of the Russian ladies who did not speak English brought a translator with her so she could converse with me. I was so appreciative of the effort she made to talk with me.

Our Bible study time began with prayer requests and a time of prayer. As we studied together, everything was translated into English and Russian. We were able to hear our own home language through ear-buds connected to electronic receivers that were provided for us.

Then we moved to the main auditorium for worship. It was a blessed time and it included a blessing of the children. Pastor Jack spoke from Matthew 9 regarding the healing of the paralytic man, using many cross references, which made the Scriptures very meaningful for us. Although Pastor Jack lived in the United States for many years, a passage in Micah spoke to his heart about returning to Israel to minister to his people. His love for Yeshua and his desire for his people to know Him was very evident.

After a quick lunch, several of us went to Jerusalem to the home and business of Lenny Wolfe, an antiquities dealer. Lenny served us Turkish coffee, tea, dates and chocolates. He is a wealth of information in many areas, but especially the history of the Jewish people. He has many period pieces of pottery, coins, and other artifacts. Several of us purchased some treasures. A popular item was “the widow’s mite.” For me, it was thrilling to learn about the Armenian art made by Mr. Ohanessian in Jerusalem shortly after the Armenian holocaust in the early 1900s.

"The Lord is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one. Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever." - Psalm 28:8, 9

Pauline Stuedli

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