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Israel Familiarization Trip

January 4-15, 2016

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He will someday return in glory

I awakened today with the awareness that it was our final day for in the land of Israel. There are so many expectations and desires I’ve had each of the three times I’ve traveled to this incredible place. I can honestly say that each time my expectations have been exceeded.

I began the morning with my Bible reading, (coincidentally?), in Matthew 24:1-31 where Jesus talks about how the magnificent stones of the Temple will be “thrown down.” I envisioned immediately the pile of massive stones left by the Roman General Titus’ forces in 70 AD at the base of the SW corner of Temple Mount that we saw yesterday. Our first stop today was the Mount of Olives, where Matthew 24 says Jesus predicted just what we witnessed of the destruction of Jerusalem and the time of the end still to come.

It’s always a breathtaking view of Temple Mount, the City of David, Kidron Valley and its slopes when one is standing on that Mount. Randy Alonso led a devotional, reminding us of the many things associated with the place – Jesus’ “Triumphal Entry” and weeping for the city took place here, the “Mount Olivet Discourse” referred to above from Matthew, the ascension of Jesus when his disciples watched him taken into heaven with the promise of his return, and of course the prophecy of Zechariah of his return in glory to the Mount of Olive. Hey, he sure ain’t comin’ back to Time Square!

We then made our way along the route of the Triumphal Entry and it seemed fitting that an Arabic man had a donkey at the top of the route! I couldn’t help but wonder as we descended toward the Kidron Valley and saw the Eastern (“Golden”) Gate of the City before us, with the Dome of the Rock so prominent in the background, what Jesus would have been thinking as he saw the Temple in his own day. Was he so “in the moment” that his thoughts were of this event as the fulfillment of prophecy and legitimate presentation of himself as Messiah? Were his thoughts about the rejection, suffering and death he would endure only a few days later? Were his thoughts about how he will someday return in glory when “every eye will see him, and the people of the earth will mourn” as scripture declares?

It was great that Ronan gave us a time for personal prayer and reflection as we stopped at a modern day “garden” of terraced Olive trees that would have been exactly what the Garden of Gethsemane was like on that fateful moonlit night when he agonized in prayer over drinking “the cup” of the wrath of God to accomplish my salvation. The stop into the traditional Gethsemane site at the Church of All Nations seemed almost anti-climactic.

We then made our way into the Old City through the Gate of St. Stephen (my own namesake) and visited the Pool of Bethesda where Jesus healed the lame man waiting for someone to help him into the waters believed to be a healing cure. Experienced a healing few moments of worship in the Church of St. Anne where we joined our voices and spirits in meaningful song. Then we made our way from the Fortress of Antonia, where Pilate passed sentence on Jesus and he received his cross, along the Via Dolorosa – the route through Old City streets to the place of crucifixion – to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. This Church is the traditional site of Jesus crucifixion, burial and resurrection. I chose not to enter the Church personally, having been to the site in my previous Jerusalem pilgrimages. For me, I go to his cross multiple times daily in my mind and heart. I always find that spiritual journey made possible by the Holy Spirit more “real” and transforming than seeing the supposed sites. Pilgrims by the multiple millions have come to this Church over the centuries, but many more have made the journey in spirit to find cleansing and redemption. I’ll take the spiritual journey every time.

We finished the day with visits to a cool ministry called Bridges For Peace, seeking to build redemptive relationships through humble service between Christians and Jews (worth checking out!). Finally we enjoyed some time at the Israel Museum reviewing our knowledge of the City of Jerusalem as we saw an incredible scale model of the City as it would have appeared in the time of Jesus.

What an incredible 9 days we’ve had. I have felt on all three of my visits that I’ve come home when I’m in the land. I’ve journeyed here so many times in my imagination as I’ve read scripture and listened to messages and teaching. Every time I come I experience the truth, power and personal relevance of scripture to my life. I look forward to coming again, and am glad I’ve found a valuable ministry partner in GTI Tours and my new friends associated with them. I can’t wait to bring our first group with them in May!

Steve Williams
NorthPointe Church - Fresno, CA

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journi|Steve Williams||A shop selling fruit along the Via Dolorosa on the way to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the traditional site of the crucifixion, burial and resurrection. Final picture exits the west side of the city via the Jaffa Gate.

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journi|Steve Williams||Stopping for a great worship experience in the church of St.Anne, then visiting the pool of Bethesda where Jesus healed the man laying on his mat for decades

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journi|Steve Williams||An area that could well be Gethsemane, or at least near it. Here Jesus withdrew to pray with his disciples, probably on many occasions, but definitely on the night of his arrest.

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journi|Steve Williams||Continuing down the road of the Triumphal entry. In the second photo note the Eastern Gate and the Dome of the Rock where the Temple would have stood. What were all the thoughts in Jesus' mind as he descended the hill on the back of the donkey? Rejection & suffering to come? His final parousia in glory?

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journi|Steve Williams||Descending from the Mt of Olives toward the Kidron Valley, likely near the road Jesus would have taken for his Triumphal Entry where Jesus presented himself as Messiah. Ronan teaches us from a cemetery in the next pic see the Eastern Gate blocked by the Muslims. Zechariah's prophecy is that Messiah will set his foot on the Mt of Olives and enter the Temple Mt through the Eastern gate. 300,000 people swarmed this cemetery for Menachem Begin's burial here (former PM of Israel).

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journi|Steve Williams||We began the day with an unparalleled view of the Temple Mount, City of David, Kidron Valley, Gethsemane and the Old City. Had my Quiet Time readings in Matthew 24 today - very fitting!

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