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Israel Familiarization Trip

January 4-15, 2016

Led by Rich Ferreira
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Trip Blog Posts

Study Tour Wrap Up

posted on Sunday January 17 2016 at 3:38 pm UTC

Now that we've returned from our study tour you'll hopefully be able to talk to one of us in person about what we saw, heard, learned, and experienced! Below is a wrap up video that serves as a nice summary of the trip and a reminder of all that we did. Leave us a comment below or head over and...

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He will someday return in glory

posted on Friday January 15 2016 at 12:46 am UTC

I awakened today with the awareness that it was our final day for in the land of Israel. There are so many expectations and desires I’ve had each of the three times I’ve traveled to this incredible place. I can honestly say that each time my expectations have been exceeded. I began the morning...

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Cut to the heart

posted on Wednesday January 13 2016 at 10:16 pm UTC

God’s Word continued to come alive today. The day started below the southern wall of the Temple Mount, at the site of the City of David. The terrain revealed a city where David’s palace at the top of the hill looked down over many homes, and ultimately over the home of Uriah, one of his trusted...

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posted on Wednesday January 13 2016 at 1:48 am UTC

The word that embodies today most is contrast. Everything we saw today was a strange juxtaposition: ancient and modern, Judaism and Islam, worship and politics, Israel and Palestine, hubris and humility. It was an overwhelming day to process to say the least. We started our exposition into Jerusalem...

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The Roman Empire on full display

posted on Tuesday January 12 2016 at 1:08 am UTC

This was another fantastic day. Each day it is hard to say what was most significant, with each site being more impressive than the last. We began the day by visiting Beit Shean/Scythopolis. This dramatically illustrated the spiritual battle between the Hebrew worldview and the Greco/Roman culture....

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An opportunity to glorify the Father

posted on Sunday January 10 2016 at 9:36 pm UTC

Before we got on the bus this morning, after enjoying an extra fifteen minutes of sleep and a delicious breakfast, we all walked down to the shores of the Sea of Galilee and reflected on Mark 5:1-20 and Mark 7:31-8:10. The first time Jesus visited the eastern shore he was greeted by a single demon-possessed...

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Walking where Jesus walked

posted on Saturday January 09 2016 at 5:59 pm UTC

Today was the first day that we got to walk where Jesus walked. This was very exciting and humbling at the same time. It was exciting because the Bible moved from print to a visual reality. It was humbling because we got to see where Jesus performed the miraculous. We started with a boat journey across...

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Water in the desert

posted on Saturday January 09 2016 at 1:30 am UTC

My time in Israel has been unlike any other. I have to keep reminding myself that these places we are visiting and the sites we are seeing are actual places where Biblical characters have walked, lived, and encountered God. We are only on day three and I find myself having a tough time choosing highlight...

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Masada, Arad, and the Dead Sea

posted on Friday January 08 2016 at 12:43 am UTC

After collapsing into bed last night, we woke up this morning feeling very refreshed with an extraordinary view of the Salt Sea (Dead Sea) from our hotel window. Melinda (my wife) and I thanked God over breakfast for getting to come to Israel because this is the fulfillment of a dream of experiencing...

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A tangible reminder

posted on Wednesday January 06 2016 at 5:26 pm UTC

Today has proven to be a gorgeous first day in Israel. From the rugged mountain country, to the lush valleys and now driving toward the aired desert we’ve experienced the diverse topography of this special land. Our Israeli guide Ronan has exposed our group to symbolically significant objects...

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Made it to Israel

posted on Wednesday January 06 2016 at 12:49 am UTC

Just a quick update to let everyone know that we made it to Israel safe and sound. The Houston and Chicago group caught an earlier flight to Tel Aviv and are already resting at the hotel. What a long flight with a few delays but as they say, once you board an airliner to the Middle East your trip to...

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Arrived at LAX

posted on Tuesday January 05 2016 at 1:17 am UTC

Hey everyone! We are excited to tell you that all the California crew have arrived at LAX airport and have finished the fun check in process on Turkish Airlines. We are all here, besides our friends flying out of Houston and Chicago who will be meeting us in Israel. While our group is not all together...

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The Time Has Come

posted on Friday January 01 2016 at 8:00 pm UTC

Shalom friends and family, I can hardly believe that the time has come for this trip to begin. We at Hume Lake and GTI Tours are very excited for the experience these men and women are about to partake in. Within their busy ministry schedules they have spent the last 4 months studying through a 9...

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A Journey of a Lifetime

posted on Tuesday November 24 2015 at 12:35 am UTC

On January 4-15th of 2016 a group of 51 pastors, teachers, students and spouses (in association with GTI tours and Hume Lake Christian Camps) from different churches and schools throughout the United States will be traveling together on a once in a lifetime study tour of Israel. We invite you; friends,...

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Preparing for Israel

posted on Friday September 25 2015 at 11:24 pm UTC

Our trip to Israel will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground in Israel, we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family,...

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