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Adult Volunteer Service Trip - Hesed

February 26 - March 15, 2015

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Temple Mount and Garden Tomb

What a blessed day in the Lord today was! Our day began at 6:50 AM as we all boarded the bus for the golden city on a hill - Jerusalem. As we were riding in the bus I was thinking about what a difficult time it must have been to walk up to Jerusalem since the roads, even today, are very steep and hilly.The roads in Yeshua's time were uneven and rocky, making it difficult to walk.

As we entered the city I got a lump in my throat thinking about the persecution, humiliation, and death my Lord suffered for me.

Our first stop was the Mount of Olives. The sky was clear and blue, the temperature was cool with a breeze. I was glad I had brought my heavy jacket as the wind was quite chilly. As I looked out over the city I began to warm a little thinking about what it must have been like to have lived back in the time of Yeshua. It saddened my heart to see the Muslim moon ornaments on buildings everywhere, even more present than last year. But it comforted me to know that the Lord is to return to this very Mount and will take all of it away.

We then walked down the very steep hill to the Garden of Gethsemane where we were taken into a private garden and had a short devotional. Looking at the very old and gnarled trees, my thoughts went to what the garden must have been like when Yeshua prayed there.

We then walked through the Kidron valley, a place I had only seen from a distance. We were shown a couple of tombs hewn out of solid rock. I was able to watch a young shepherd boy herd his sheep as they ate.

The next stop was the Temple Mount and Western Wall. The Temple Mount is closed on Fridays due to Muslim prayers. We did see the huge stones used in the construction of the Mount. We went on to the Western Wall where I was able to pray. From here we worked our way up to the Cardo courtyard where we took a lunch and shopping break. I was able to see my friends, the Solomon brothers, who have a shop in the old city close to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

After lunch, we boarded the bus and headed to the Garden Tomb. The Garden Tomb is a fairly quiet area where I was able to reflect. I reflected on what it must have been like for Yeshua to know what He had to do, so that we, after becoming one of His children, would be assured of salvation. No one knows for certain that the Garden Tomb is the location of the actual tomb of Yeshua, but it certainly seems like it could be.

Following dinner we went to a local kehilah (congregation) to celebrate Purim with them. There was a brief song service, followed be the story of Esther being told to the children. Several scavenger-hunt-type games were played, with teams competing against each other. FOI staff members also participated on the teams. A couple of ladies on the Hesed team wrote a song "God Bless Israel," which we sang to the congregation. It put a tear in my eye. We said our goodbyes, left for the hotel, and called it a day.

We were tired, but felt it was all worth it.

Claude Jewett, Jr.

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