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Israel Study Tour with The Well Community Church

November 1-12, 2021

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Day 05 - Sea of Galilee, Capernaum & Mount Arbel

Shalom Shalom from the east side of the Sea of Galilee. This is where our day started and ended.  As we are writing this, we can see the lights of Tiberius twinkling from across the lake.  We began the day by boarding an old wooden boat and cruising our way across the lake.  Thoughts of Jesus calming the storm, walking on water, teaching the multitudes filled our minds - it was really quite overwhelming. Our devotional for the morning was out on the lake. About the time when Jesus walked on water to where the disciples were struggling against the wind. Peter jumped out of the boat and for a moment walked on water too, but quickly realized that the laws of physics were not in his favor and began to struggle in the waves.  Peter called to Jesus who immediately reached out and saved him.  Just like our Savior who will reach out to us immediately when we call on His name. Before we got to shore, we formed a circle and learned a Jewish dance. It was a special time - one that we will not soon forget.

Once back on solid footing on the west side of the lake, we visited our next site-Capernaum. This is where Jesus spent a lot of time during his ministry. Many of the disciples came from this small fishing village. We visited a beach on the Sea of Galilee very similar to where the risen Christ restored the disgraced and ashamed Peter. Such a sweet picture of Jesus restoring the disciple who denied Him 3 times before his death.  What comfort that brings to us as believers who often sin and struggle in our walk with Him. We had a special moment to grab a rock from the beach to signify our own John 21 moment.

We also visited the synagogue in Capernaum which is written about many times in the New Testament. This was the very place where Jesus proclaimed ‘I am the bread of life.' He also cast out a demon from a possessed man - INCREDIBLE!  I actually underlined John 6:59 in my bible and wrote ‘I was here on 11/7/21’.

After lunch, we saw an old first-century fishing boat that was excavated from the Sea of Galilee.  It would have been very much like the one Jesus and His disciples used in the scriptures.

Our next adventure was a vigorous hike up Mount Arbel.  It was quite the climb! Along the trail, we passed some of the caves where the crusaders lived during that period. Once to the summit, we learned that this very mountain, likely, was the one that Jesus escaped to (most of the time late at night, or all night - See Luke 6:12) in order to spend time with His Father and pray.  What a challenge to us as believers to escape the busyness of our lives to spend time with our Heavenly Father.

All in all - another incredible day in Israel.  One full of learning, understanding, and becoming closer to our Lord and Savior - Jesus.


John & Denise Voth

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