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Israel Study Tour with The Well Community Church

November 25 - December 6, 2018

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First day in Jerusalem

Tensions were high as we got off the bus this morning because we were entering a place where we would be watched closely by the security guards. They absolutely do not allow people to bring anything religious in to the area. So we had to leave our bibles and even our study guidebooks behind. The teaching of the anything other than Islam is strictly prohibited. Being caught calling the place The Temple Mount or even uttering the name of Jesus could get you arrested.

The Western Wall tour started out feeling silly because the guide looked like Edna from The Incredibles and spoke with a cadence and style of Mr. Rodgers. It was some welcome comic relief. But the visuals she used really helped us see where and how the temples were built. Walking through the underground water tunnels helped is start to grasp the size and scale of the foundation of the Temple. The smallest stone weighed 2 1/2 tons and the biggest stone weighed 570 tons! King Herod didnʼt mess around when it came to building impressive buildings. Many of them are still standing 2000 years later.

Entering Hezekiahʼs Tunnel caused a lot of hesitation but turned out to be incredibly fun to wade through ankle to knee deep spring water as we walked through the tunnel that was dug in the early 8th or 9th century.

Hezekiah's Tunnel

A 1750-foot (530m) tunnel carved during the reign of Hezekiah to bring water from one side of the city to the other, Hezekiah’s Tunnel together with the 6th c. tunnel of Euphalios in Greece are considered the greatest works of water engineering technology in the pre-Classical period. Had it followed a straight line, the length would have been 1070 ft (335m) or 40% shorter.

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Coming out of the Tunnel we came upon the Pool of Siloam. This pool is a character in the events that are recorded in John 9Q1-41. Jesus heals the man born blind. Itʼs my favorite story in all the Bible because it has so many important truths throughout it. Read it. I know youʼll love it.

We then moved to the Cardo or main street to the Temple and the Southern Steps where we know Jesus walked and taught. In Matthew 23Q27 Jesus compares the Pharisees to white washed tombs. The reason He used that metaphor is because if you are standing on the Southern Steps and look to the east then you see a hillside full of...white washed tombs. Jesus was the most gifted teacher who has ever walked the earth. He knew exactly how to do what Iʼm struggling to doa which is explain truths clearly and concisely leaving no room for misunderstanding.

So ended our first day in Jerusalem!

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