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Some highlights from today:
“When Brad talked to us in the middle of the hike about the trees and the roots in the Wilderness of Zin. Our spiritual life can be compared to that of a tree. The roots are reaching towards the water, just like how we have a longing for Christ.”
“The blessed person does not walk, stand, or sit in the presence of scoffers. Instead he delights in the Lord. We talked about how being blessed does not mean that we have a lot, but it means that you are delighting in the Lord, with whatever you have, wherever you’re at.”
“I really enjoyed the discussion our tour guide, Ronan had with us. How we talked about hospitality and it made me realize how I need to invite my neighbors over. I really liked how he pulled Old and New Testament passages to talk about this. That inspired me.”
From the moment we woke, we were able to see beauty of the sun rising over the Dead Sea. We gathered, prayed, and headed towards the Wilderness of Zin. This was breath-taking. We got to wander around and sit down in the word and really bring it to life. We talked about how the word of God should be so constant in our lives that it always runs in our minds; so much that it becomes our lives. We also were able to ride a camel, and float in the Dead Sea. All of these things could be broken down further into so much detail; but all the stories really are not the same unless you experience it in person. Being able to visually connect what we’ve read back to God, is unexplainable. This has been so cool; And it’s only day two.
With 30 years of experience creating trips for other ministries, we've prepared our own signature study tours featuring some of our favorite itineraries and compelling teachers! If you've never been on a GTI Study Tour, take a moment to learn more about what you can expect.