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Israel Study Tour with Treasure Coast Community Church

August 29 - September 9, 2018

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Where Jesus lived and ministered

Today was all about Yeshua.....Jesus! And Peter. And the Sea of Galilee. It was a busy day with many sites.

We began our day by hiking to the top of Mt Arbel which rises over 1300 feet and has a stunning view of the Sea of Galilee. Pastor Gordon shared that this was mostly likely a place where Jesus retreated for solitude and prayer. We then spent some quiet time praying and reflecting on where we were. It was emotional and profound. This was the area where Jesus lived and ministered ~ a bit difficult to wrap our minds around!

Our next stop was Capernaum to see Peter's house. This house has been well excavated and it's been determined that it's almost certainly the home of Simon Peter, one of Jesus' disciples. Mark 1 talks about Jesus healing and teaching in Capernaum and we saw the remains of a synagogue where he likely taught.

In Chorazin we saw the replica of a first century synagogue. Jesus did many miracles there, but was rejected. The people of Chorazin wanted a "vendor" Jesus; they wanted the miracles but not him. How many of us do the same thing today? It's something to think about!

Then it was on to see an ancient boat that is 2000 years old. It was discovered in the Sea of Galilee and has been painstakingly preserved. No one knows what the boat was used for, but it was interesting to see a boat from Jesus' day.

The Mount of the Beatitudes was next. A beautiful Catholic Church was built to commemorate the likely place that this powerful sermon was delivered. The Beatitudes are found in Matthew 5:1-12. We stood and looked at the terraced setting over the Sea of Galilee and imagined Jesus teaching to a mesmerized crowd.

Our last stop was especially powerful. We visited the probable site where Jesus restored Peter on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. This story is found in John 21. Peter had denied Jesus three times and needed to be restored. After that, Peter became a passionate leader of the early church; the Rock upon which Jesus would build his church.

We ended our day with a glorious swim in the Sea of Galilee! It was refreshing and, as with many things in Israel, surreal! Swimming where Jesus walked - wow!

Until tomorrow ~ shalom!!

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