Turkey Study Tour with Sunrise Community Church

February 17-28, 2024

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Day 09 - Transformed in Turkey: Reflections on a Journey of Faith, Culture, and Friendship

As the sun rose on the final day of our unforgettable journey through Turkey, the air was filled with a bittersweet feeling. Today marked the end of a 9-day expedition where we not only explored the historical and spiritual landscapes of Turkey but also formed deep connections with each other and the stories that have shaped our faith.


Our final day in Turkey began with a visit to Miletus, an ancient city that should hold a special place in the heart of every believer for its biblical significance. It was here, amidst the remnants of history and whispers of the past, that we found ourselves stepping into the very footsteps of Paul. This was the location of his poignant farewell to the elders of the Ephesus church, a moment immortalized in Acts 20, where he delivered a message of unwavering commitment to God's grace and the Gospel.


As we gathered in the ancient theater of Miletus, the same air that once carried Paul’s voice now carried ours in prayer and reflection. Pastor Luke opened our session with a reading from Acts 20, emphasizing the depth of Paul's words and the strength of his convictions. It was a powerful moment, connecting us across millennia to the early Christians, feeling the weight and warmth of Paul’s exhortations as if we were among the Ephesian elders he addressed.


We delved deep into the scripture, focusing on Paul's passionate plea and his prophecy of the trials and tribulations that would come. It was a reminder of the cost of discipleship and the enduring promise of God's presence and guidance. As Pastor Luke guided us through Psalm 63, we were encouraged to reflect on our own journey of faith, to thirst for God's presence in our lives as David did in the wilderness.



In the shadow of Didyma's Temple of Apollo, a monument to ancient oracles and prophecies, our group found a profound setting to contrast the fleeting allure of false prophecy with the enduring truth of the Bible. Didyma, once a beacon for those seeking divine guidance through human intermediaries, provided a stark backdrop to reflect on the importance of discerning and adhering to God’s Word. Pastor Luke reminded us of the messages to the churches in Revelation 2-3, emphasizing the call to "hear what the Spirit says to the churches." This directive, set against the backdrop of a site known for its ambiguous and often misleading prophecies, highlighted the stark difference between the clarity and reliability of Scripture and the uncertain guidance of false prophets.


The visit to Didyma served as a vivid illustration of the Christian’s challenge to navigate a world filled with competing voices claiming truth. It underscored the necessity of grounding our faith and decisions in the Bible, which provides clear, hopeful, and steadfast guidance unlike the transient and often deceptive assurances offered by sources like the oracle of Apollo. This powerful contrast between the Bible and the false prophecies of Didyma reinforced our commitment to seek, listen to, and share God’s Word with discernment and faithfulness, reminding us of the unchanging truth and guidance it offers in a world still captivated by the allure of uncertain voices.


As the afternoon unfolded, we found ourselves weaving through local markets, honing our shopping and bartering skills. This time also allowed us to reflect on the past days - the experiences shared, the friendships forged, and the profound impact this journey had on our understanding of the Bible and our own faith.


This trip was more than just a tour; it was a transformative experience that challenged us to live out Romans 12:2, to not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewal of our minds. Each location we visited brought the Bible to life, from the places where Paul preached to the churches John wrote to, enhancing our understanding and connection to the Bible.


Our heartfelt gratitude goes to GTI Tours for their exceptional organization, especially their swift pivot from Israel to Turkey. A special thanks to our tour guide, Gokhan, whose knowledge and passion for his homeland added immeasurable depth to our experience. To Çagri, our driver, who navigated the winding roads with skill and grace, and to Pastor Luke and Sara, whose leadership and care enriched our journey in countless ways.


As we bid farewell to Turkey, the question on everyone’s lips was, “When’s the next trip?” The answer: Israel 2025! Until then, we carry with us the memories, lessons, friendships from this trip, and a lot of laughter,  each a testament to the transformative power of faith, fellowship, and the enduring words of Scripture.


Turkey, with its rich tapestry of history, culture, and Biblical context, has left an indelible mark on our hearts. We leave transformed, not just in our minds but in our spirits, forever connected by the shared experience of walking in the footsteps of apostles, strengthened in our faith and bound by the new friendships that have blossomed. Here's to the next adventure, where we will once again immerse ourselves in the stories of our faith, exploring new lands with open hearts and minds.

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