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Turkey / Greece Signature Study Tour

September 15-25, 2024

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Day 06 - Priene, Didyma, & Miletus

As the rays of early daylight danced on the mild waves of the Agean Sea, the enjoyment of the sea breeze of the present and the reflections of the ancient past mingled together. These were the waters that not only carried  goods in and out of ancient harbors between Greece and Asia Minor, but also carried the Good News through the ministry of the Apostle Paul and his ministry companions. We were able to lay eyes on the island of Samos, where Paul made a brief stop on his third missionary journey (Acts 20:15). Our group enjoyed a relaxed and picturesque morning together.  What a great way to start our day!


We continued on to the site of Miletus. Once a great and prosperous city of the ancient world, boasting four harbors that led it to be a major center of travel and trade, it is now only a small Turkish village in the midst of scattered ruins about six miles from the ocean. The combination of continued invasions and centuries of deposited sediment of its neighboring Meander River, led to its decline.


We entered into the remains of the most preserved structure of Miletus, the theater.  At one time the theater was one of the largest in Asia Minor. We took note of some of the unique features of the theater, such as distinct guides for where to put your feet, lion paws on the VIP seating and even a section engraved with the phrase, “For the Jews and the God-fearers.” This was evidence of designated seating as well as the presence of a Jewish community there that interacted with the Roman ruled population. 


Biblically, the most significant aspect of this stop was gathering as a group and reading from Acts 20:17-38 where in this very city, the Apostle Paul called for the elders of the Ephesian church to come meet him so he could say his final farewell to them. In this emotional farewell address, he reminds them of his personal and ministry integrity, his love and boldness toward these leaders that were raised up, and a charge to faithfully watch over the flock that God has entrusted in their care - “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.” (Acts 20:28).


We were challenged to reflect on who has lovingly and boldly spoke into our lives during our discipleship journey , as well as challenged to make sure we continue to seek out and invest lovingly and boldly in the lies of others in the name of Christ.


Our next stop, and final site to experience before leaving Turkey, was the ancient site of Didyma. We had the benefit of jumping on a bus with a short drive to reach Didyma, but ancient pilgrims of Greek mythology cults would have chosen a different route, the approximately 2 mile (and well preserved) road from Miletus to Didyma known as the “Sacred Way“. Driven by a longing for direction or answers to vexing questions, pilgrims would travel the sacred way in order to arrive at the ominous temple of Apollo. The temple of Apollo was was only surpassed in size by the temple of Artemis. This structure with its 120 ornate and massive pillars would invite worshippers to seek the oracle for answers to their nagging questions- for a price, of course! 


Spending time here listening, learning and even role-playing what used to take place in this once sacred place stirred up immeasurable gratitude for the One True Living God who invites us to approach Him as beloved children loved by their Father.  Because of that, when we seek answers and direction, we do not need a temple, or a ritual, or a sacrifice, or a priest, but can simply come to our loving Father of all wisdom at any time, Who will lead us with His Word and His Spirit.


We have learned so much and have gained so many insights over the last few days here in Turkey. There is a hint of sadness as we prepare to travel to Greece now for our next leg of our study tour, yet we are eager to encounter what awaits us there as we continue to vividly learn lessons that will only come by walking in the lands of the Bible.


Chad Allen

North Bible Church 

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