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Turkey / Greece Signature Study Tour

September 15-25, 2024

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Day 04 - Aphrodisias, Weaving Center, Evening Cruise on the Aegean

We began our day exploring the ancient city of Aphrodisias, named after the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Our first stop was the grand theater, an incredible structure that was once filled with drama, music, and the voices of actors who took on roles that shaped the cultural identity of the city. As we sat in the stands, we reflected on the idea of "putting on Christ" as an actor puts on a role, embodying a new identity with every step, word, and action. Just as actors transform into their characters, so too are we called to transform into the likeness of Christ, setting aside our old selves and stepping into His role with devotion and grace.


From the theater, we moved to the Sebasteion, a complex of temples dedicated to the Roman emperors, where the lines between political power and divine worship were blurred. It was a reminder of how empires often use spiritual devotion as a tool for control—a stark contrast to the freedom we have in Christ.


Next, we marveled at the massive stadium, one of the best-preserved in the ancient world. As we walked along its vast track, we imagined the athletic competitions that once took place here, the intense training, and the discipline of the athletes. It led us into a reflection on the spiritual race we are all running—the training of our souls, the focus and perseverance required to keep our eyes on the prize. Just as athletes trained their bodies, we, too, must train our hearts and minds, preparing ourselves for the ultimate goal, not merely a temporal crown but the eternal glory promised in Christ.


The centerpiece of Aphrodisias, of course, was the Temple of Aphrodite. Originally a pagan temple, it was later converted into a Christian basilica, and it was here that we spent in reflection. The transformation of this temple is a powerful symbol of the conversion of hearts and minds throughout history. It reminded us of the power of the gospel to reshape not just lives, but entire cultures.


As our day came to a close, we traveled to our beautiful hotel overlooking the Aegean, grateful for a moment of rest and rejuvenation. The sun setting over the water was a perfect ending to a wonderful day, and we couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement for tomorrow and all that it holds.


For now, it's time to rest, but our hearts are full as we look forward to another day of discovery and growth. See you tomorrow!

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