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Turkey Signature Study Tour

September 11-22, 2023

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Day 04 - West Central Turkey: Hierapolis, Laodicea

So much discovered and yet still so much to be found. For many in the group, the day started with a hot air balloon ride that overlooked the entire valley that is home to ancient cities like Laodicea, Colossae, and Hierapolis.

But as the tour discovered, places like Laodicea which have undergone a fantastic amount of excavation, revealing (so far) two theaters, 13 churches, a temple, city streets, colonnade, home church, and so much more, other sites, like Colossae, were no more than a tell, or hill, with an amazing view and access to cool refreshing spring water; leaving an entire city to discover from beneath the earth. 

After our short hike up to Colossae, we were rewarded with an amazing waterfall-adjacent dining experience at Cafe Cinaralti which was to die for.

And speaking of fancy waters and death. Our next stop was in the ancient city of Hierapolis, which boasts healing waters from the natural warm springs and over 20,000 excavated sarcophagus' (with over 100,000 still lying buried).  Healing, or prime real estate to put your body, should the healing not work out. Hierapolis had a heck of a deal going for them.  A further hike up the mountain outside the city took us to the famous spot where it is believed that the apostle Phillip was martyred and buried. Amazing sites abounded today.

However, it wasn't just historic architecture that was unearthed today, but incredible context and insight provided by Rich who helped tie the situations occurring at each site with the words of Jesus when he addresses the churches in Revelation.  While we saw and felt firsthand, the cool refreshing water near Colossae, and the warm, healing waters of Hierapolis, the water situation at the decadent city of Laodicea (or as we learned today, is properly pronounced laow-dee-KAY-ah) produced more of a luke warm temperature.  The need to pump water to its location led the coolness of the water to become somewhat warmed by the time it reached Laodicea.  This illuminated the text found in Revelation 3:14-20 where Jesus uses this all too familiar situation to the church (likely the home church we saw today) to address the issues of faith.

Seeing the sites and reflecting on the text, we were reminded of how we all are seeking healing and comfort for ailments of the flesh.  And oftentimes our prayers and actions reflect that constant search and groping in the dark for quick answers and easy fixes.  But we are also reminded that we do have a healer God (Ex. 15:26) and a God of all comfort (2 Cor. 1:3-5) and that our only real problem, sin and death, has already been conquered by a victorious, risen Christ.

So, grab your shovel.  There is so much more to find.


Matt Olin

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