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Germany Signature Study Tour

September 11-19, 2024

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Day 00 - Travel & Arrival in Berlin

Sept. 11 update:  The group has arrived in Berlin!!  After dropping our bags at the hotel some of us were able to get in some sights close by before heading back to get some much needed rest and showers before dinner.  It is amazing how great a shower and brushing your teeth makes you feel after almost 24 hours since leaving home.


Our first activity together was a buffet dinner tonight with a short meeting.  Thankfully Dan and Rich didn’t keep us up too late, because we are very weary travelers and have an early morning tomorrow.  Lack of sleep is a very real feeling that many of us are experiencing.


Sept. 10:

Lists have been made, items have been checked off, books have been read in preparation for the trip, bags have been packed, farewells have been made to loved ones back home and everyone is making their way to Berlin for the start of our trip…all that is left are the long flights from the US to Berlin. All of us hope to get some sleep on our overnight flights. We are full of excitement, because of the new friends we will meet and all we will experience together over the next 10 days.


We learn by using all of our five senses - seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling.  We hope that during the next ten days, all of us will use all of our senses to learn what God wants us to learn while visiting the land - new sites to see and touch, a new language to learn - even if it is only a few words or phrases, and new foods to taste and smell. We hope to have lots to tell everyone once we are back home in obedience to the request from Ezekiel 40:4 which says:


“And the man said to me, ‘Son of Man, look carefully and listen closely and pay attention to everything that I shall show you, for that is why you have been brought here. Tell the people of Israel everything you see.’”

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