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Today, we took a step back in time and immersed ourselves in the daily life of an ancient Israelite. We began by getting our hands dirty—quite literally— by making bricks. With mud, straw, and dung, we shaped bricks much like the Israelites would have during their enslavement in Egypt. The experience was raw and tangible, offering a profound connection to the biblical narrative.
From there, we explored a village where ancient workers lived, gaining a glimpse into the harsh realities of their daily existence. The living conditions we saw likely mirrored those of the Israelites, making it clear that their labor was not just a historical footnote but a deeply personal struggle of endurance and faith.
Our journey continued to the Ramesseum, the mortuary temple of Ramesses the Great. Within its walls, we walked through the massive storage granaries built to store grain for Pharaoh’s afterlife. These structures resonated deeply with the biblical account in Exodus, which tells us that the Israelites were forced to build storage cities. We were also reminded of Joseph’s story—how he constructed granaries during the years of plenty in preparation for the years of famine (Genesis 41). Stepping into these granaries, we were struck by the weight of Israel’s groaning under forced labor.
In Exodus 2, we read how the Israelites cried out to God in their suffering, and we are reminded of four powerful truths:
• God heard
• God remembered
• God looked
• God knew
These words became more than ink on a page; they became a living reminder that God responds to the cries of His people. Even today, in our struggles and groanings, we can take comfort in knowing that God hears us, sees us, and is intimately concerned with our needs.
The day concluded at one of the best-preserved depictions of the ancient Egyptian concept of judgment—the Weighing of the Heart. Here, we wrestled with the biblical text that speaks of Pharaoh’s hardened heart. As we explored this temple scene, the reality of Exodus came alive before our eyes. We were reminded that every human heart carries the weight of brokenness, sin, and the need for redemption. No spell, ritual, or earthly effort could tip the scales in our favor. Only the One who is pure and perfect—Jesus—could step onto the scales of justice for us, taking our penalty upon Himself. He conquered death and the grave, offering us not just resurrection life, but forgiveness, restoration, and union with the Father.
As we reflect on today’s journey, we are left in awe of how the words of Scripture become vivid and real when experienced in the land where they unfolded. The God who heard Israel’s cry still hears our prayers today. The God who saw their suffering still sees us in our struggles. The God who remembered His covenant still remembers His promises to us. And the God who knew their pain still knows us intimately.
What a powerful day it has been. We can’t wait to step deeper into the text, the history, and the land on Day 4!
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