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To wake up in Israel and start your morning with a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee is a very special privilege. The Sea of Galilee is the only body of fresh water in the entire middle east; its significance to Israel cannot be overstated. Fed by the Jordan River, the Sea (or lake) not only fed God’s people with its fish but also provided work for its men, several of whom became Jesus’ disciples.
So many miracles and memories of Christ take place at or on this body of water. When you are watching the water from the middle of the lake, it is much easier to imagine Jesus as he walked on water and called out to Peter, calmed the storm with one command, and provided fish for exhausted fishermen. Jennifer spoke from Luke chapter 8 and once again reminded us that God is capable of bringing order to chaos.
After the boat ride we visited the Ginosar Museum which contains the first century fishing boat which would’ve been the same kind he and his disciples used. Miraculously it survived for generations buried in mud along the banks of the lake. Look it up online to read more about the fascinating process of its recovery and restoration (https://www.jesusboat.com/ginosar-home-of-jesus-boat/)
Next we headed to Megiddo which is a city that has been the location of many battles over the years. It’s strategic location has made it a prized possession for many a nation. The Bible also uses this imagery to describe the final battle (Armageddon). Jonathan reminded us that no matter how you read and interpret the text God wins and just like Jennifer taught this morning he brings order to chaos.
From the earliest times (EB) to the earliest historical records of the area (Thutmose III) to the future (Revelation 16), Megiddo assumes a prominent role. This is largely owing to its strategic location astride the Megiddo Pass (Wadi Ara) and inside the busy Jezreel Valley.
Our final stop was at Herod’s great port city. As we walked through the ancient city full of palaces, pools and theaters we focused on the book of Acts and how Paul in front of many governors and officials preaches the gospel boldly. This trip has been life changing and we are encouraged as we make our way to Jerusalem for our last and final day.
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