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It’s a great feeling to wake up and know that you are in Egypt, but to open your curtains and see the pyramids out your window is breathtaking! Our group enjoyed a beautiful breakfast at Le Meridian hotel. We met in the conference room afterwards where the general manager of GTI, Rich Ferreira introduced staff and gave a few instructions for the day. Our trip leaders, Jonathan and Jennifer Greer of Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan, opened by sharing Psalm 47 then introducing some basics concepts of Kings and Kingdoms in regards to Egypt.
A short bus ride took us to the Giza plateau where we could see, touch and learn about the pyramids. The three pyramids, one of the Ancient Wonders of the World, represent father, son and grandson: Khufu, Khafre, and Menkare. The Great Pyramid, Khufu, took 25 years to build and consists of 2.5 million blocks, anywhere from 1-17 tons apiece, with no mortar between them!
We also saw the museum containing the Solar Boat of Khufu, a design marvel made of cedarwood from Lebanon. It is hard to believe we saw something intact that is over 5,000 years old! We made our way a short distance to visit the Sphinx. The entrance contains huge blocks of solid red granite from further south in Aswan, Egypt. We took more photos and marveled at the designs and meanings.
After a delicious lunch we made our way back to the Cairo airport for our charter flight to Luxor. We arrived, made our way to the luxurious Nile Palace hotel and enjoyed a wonderful buffet dinner. Off to bed for a good night’s sleep and a big day in Luxor tomorrow!
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