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Israel Study Tour with The Church at Rocky Peak

March 12-23, 2023

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Day 08 - Jerusalem: Temple Mount, Western Wall, City of David, Hezekiah's Tunnel, Bethlehem

Today, our first day in Jerusalem, we were really on the move. We started at the Temple Mount where security is tight. We weren’t allowed to even bring our bibles with us. The city has been attacked and rebuilt 40 times. This is the location of mount Moriah - where Abraham took his son Isaac to be sacrificed. Solomon built the first temple. The Jews built it again after returning from exile, and again it was rebuilt by King Harrod. Currently a mosque stands on the Temple Mount.

As we entered we could see people praying at the Western wall. As we stood on holy ground, we had to put on our 1st century glasses and imagine Jesus being lost there as a 12 year old boy, only to be found 3 days later while engaging with the rabbi’s. Years later in the same location, the one we were standing on, Jesus was over turning tables in disgust. Before leaving we walked through the rabbinic tunnels where we actually walked on the 1st century streets that Jesus would have walked on that are 30 feet below the current surface. This also put us on the inside of the Western wall and the closest location to the area of the Holy of Hollies.

We then continued on to the City of David and walked through the often waist high waters in Hezekiah’s tunnels which are still being excavated. We exited the tunnels at the pool of

Siloam where Jesus healed the blind man.

From there we continued our journey to Bethlehem where went to the Shepherds church and sang in the cave of the shepherd. We ended our time in Bethlehem shopping at Johnny’s a Christian owned store. Bethlehem is currently a Palestinian area. So much to take in, in one day. There is no denying the greatness of God and how he has worked throughout history. God wants people after his own heart.

Gina Hardy

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