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Israel Study Tour with The Church at Rocky Peak

March 12-23, 2023

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Day 06 - Sun Mar 19

The Galilee Boat Ride wasn’t just any boat ride. This morning after reflecting, meditating and hoping to see Jesus walking on the water.  Our tour guide Ronen led us with some dance moves to the song “Hava Nagila”

When translated means: 

Let us rejoice, let us rejoice

Let us rejoice and be glad

Let us sing, let us sing

Let us sing and be glad

Awaken, awaken brethren

Awaken brethren with a cheerful heart.

That was exactly what we did - we rejoiced in the Lord and we sang and with a cheerful heart because God is good. He is calling us out. He wants us to ask him for what we need. What are you calling Jesus for? A new life? In who do you have your faith? Better to be out in storm with Jesus than in the boat without Jesus. He is calling you. Go out and find him.

When we landed on shore we then had the opportunity to go visit a museum that was build specifically for a most recent discovery, the Ancient Boat (Ginosar). A boat that was found in the sea of Gallilee. The mystery remains on who built it as it has 2 species of wood and roman engineered nails. The museum created a unique preservation that consists of spraying the wood with a preservative that keeps it from disintegrating. 

We then headed to Beth Shean, one of the ten cities of the Decapolis. The city that was build by Herod to show off his wealth and purposely attract people to Rome. As we sat at the top, through the acoustics of the theatre we were able to hear some of its history. We then had an opportunity to sit on marble toilet seats and imagine how slaves kept the seats warm until you arrived. Then we headed to the agora market place lined with Corinthian columns and mosaic tiled flooring. We imagined its stores and loudness of its vendors. Then as it began to rain we were lead to the Hot Roman Bath House (the remains of one). There under some shelter we took a few extra moments to understand and imagine the lifestyle that was lived there. Although this city might have been mesmerizing, let's not forget 1 John 2:15-17 “... not to love the world or anything of this world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father  is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever."

Our last stop of the day was at Ein Harod and it’s warm spring water. It is probable that Jesus would have walked by this spring of water to teach his message. We were reminded by Pastor Joel, of Gideon’s faith.. “If God gives us the strength we have no excuses”. If we are afraid, pray with fear and trembling… it is God who works in us. Ask God to give you the desire and ability to change your heart and take away all your excuses. Gideon was afraid but God told him to go with the strength that he had. Never forget, you are whom God says you are. 

Lastly, we didnt let the rain stop us from enjoying the warm, crystal clear beautiful blue-green water. Some decided to jumped in and swim back and forth to get a dose of exercise, others explored a small cave and swam away from nibbling fish and the adventurous ones enjoyed a massage from the waterfall.   

By Leti Rumph


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