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posted on Sunday July 01 2018 at 2:30 am UTC
Boker Tov from Jerusalem! After surviving the heat of the desert and relishing the time spent near the Sea of Galilee, we have finally made it to the City of David. It is a beautiful and sobering place. Today was a day for us to become acquainted with the area. We began with a visit to the Mount...
posted on Saturday June 30 2018 at 2:30 am UTC
We began our day, as we have for the last five mornings, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee listening to the sounds of the waves. It’s been a beautiful and powerful picture of where Jesus spent over 70% of His ministry. And now, as Jesus did, we turn toward Jerusalem. Scott began our first...
posted on Friday June 29 2018 at 2:30 am UTC
It’s our final night on the Sea of Galilee. I’m looking out to the sea from our back door and it still hits me. I’m seriously here. I’m in Israel. Everything I’ve ever read in text now has a physical image. I’ve walked along paths that have thousands of years of history....
posted on Thursday June 28 2018 at 2:30 am UTC
Gamla - “Masada of the North” We began our day with a devotional led by Jordan McDaniel at the shores of the Galilee. After a 30 to 40 minute drive, we arrived at Gamla, ancient city of the Zealots. While hiking there, we heard artillery in the distance. Scott taught us about the history...
posted on Wednesday June 27 2018 at 2:32 am UTC
Today further turned our focus from the culture of the “desert people” of the Old Testament toward the 1st century ministry recorded in the Gospels. We began with an early morning hike up Mount Arbel to a small, dark, musty cave which served as a shepherd’s cave much like that where...
posted on Tuesday June 26 2018 at 2:30 am UTC
Today we turned our whole focus from a time in the Negev desert to areas surrounding the Sea of Galilee. This is a huge deal! First let me tell you, I am so thankful for all we learned in the desert, but I am grateful to be learning deeply while next to a beautiful lake. But even more so, I am grateful...
posted on Monday June 25 2018 at 2:30 am UTC
At the beginning of the day, we walked no more than 50 yards from the entrance of the hotel we had stayed at the night prior for our morning devotional. Scott talked about three bodies of water in Israel with symbolic significance to the message he was about to tell us - one was a spring that I cannot...
posted on Sunday June 24 2018 at 2:30 am UTC
Shabbat Shalóm from the Dead Sea. Peace to you on this Sabbath day, God’s day of rest. What a fresh reminder of what was told to us on Mt. Timna yesterday. It is such a blessing to know that our Father is so committed to us and loves us in such a beautiful way! This knowing is creating grateful...
posted on Saturday June 23 2018 at 2:30 am UTC
My sweet friend Niaya told me before i went on this trip that she couldn’t even talk about her experiences for a few months and today I find myself struggling as I’m eager to share stories of God’s great love, but also feel as if there are no words that could measure up. Today we were...
posted on Friday June 22 2018 at 2:30 am UTC
Who are we and why are we here? Today marked our first day in the desert; the hot, comfortably breezy, rocky, mountainous, rugged Negev desert. The desert where Abraham and all of our other ancestors roamed as they (sometimes painfully) learned about the Father. My perspective on the Israelites who navigated...
posted on Thursday June 21 2018 at 2:30 am UTC
After a long and personally anxious travel day, I woke up still uneasy and exhausted feeling my heart and body unprepared. As we walked the first few miles I continued discouraging myself about feeling unprepared. However, once we reached our first stopping point at a part of Canaanite ruins something...
posted on Wednesday June 20 2018 at 2:30 am UTC
Hello friends and family, We arrived later in the ninth on a Tuesday night safely. We did have delay on our flight from Turkey to Israel. Everyone is tired and excited. We got to our hotel and went straight to our rooms to try and sleep which I am not doing successfully. The team has had some great jell...
posted on Wednesday June 06 2018 at 2:37 am UTC
Our trip to Israel will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground in Israel, we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family,...