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Turkey Study Tour with Parkway Hills Baptist Church

October 30 - November 10, 2023

Led by Josh Allen
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Trip Blog Posts

Day 09 - Western Coast: Priene, Didyma, Miletus

posted on Thursday November 09 2023 at 8:00 pm UTC

We entered our day knowing these three sites were the last we would see on our trip. The first of these sites was a city called Priene. Personally, Priene was one of my favorite places to visit as it has one of the greatest views of the whole trip. This city was full of trees, the weather was cool and...

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Day 08 - Western Coast : Ephesus, Ephesus Museum, Free Time

posted on Wednesday November 08 2023 at 7:00 pm UTC

Our 8th day in Turkey started off bright and early as our plan called for several hours in the ancient city of Ephesus. The early departure paid off, as we were the first people through the gates. We had the place to ourselves for almost an hour, which was very peaceful, as we got acquainted with the...

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Day 07 - Western Coast: Pergamum, Weaving Center, Smyrna, Evening Cruise on the Aegean

posted on Wednesday November 08 2023 at 1:00 am UTC

As we awakened on a brisk and foggy Tuesday morning, we began week two of our journey. Our team of 14 has jelled amazingly. Having walked together for just a few days, in some ways, it feels like we have known each other for years. As a microcosm of the body of Christ, we learn from each other, we laugh...

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Day 06 - Sardis, Thyatira, Pergamum

posted on Monday November 06 2023 at 9:00 pm UTC

Sardis: Our day started at the ruins of the ancient city of Sardis. This city has a long history dating back to 2,000-3,000 BC when the Hittites ruled the city. Several empires have controlled this area over the course of history. This was the capital of the Lydian empire until the Persian empire conquered...

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Day 05 - Aphrodisias and Philadelphia

posted on Sunday November 05 2023 at 8:00 pm UTC

Day 5 - Aphrodisias (the City of Beauty) and Philadelphia (the City of One Who Loves His Brother) Our day began with a 90 minute drive from our hotel to the city of Aphrodisias. Aphrodisias - “The City of Beauty” was named after the goddess Aphrodite whose cult image was in this...

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Day 04 - Hot Air Balloon Ride over Pammukale, Laodicea, Colossae, Hieropolis

posted on Saturday November 04 2023 at 8:00 pm UTC

Day four of our Turkey Tour started early for most of us with a hot air balloon ride! After an interesting bus ride, our crew of 13, plus four additional passengers and two pilots loaded into the basket. It was an amazing experience to see the beautiful Turkish countryside and mountains from the sky!...

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Day 03 - Pisidian Antioch

posted on Saturday November 04 2023 at 12:00 am UTC

Day three of our time in Turkey started out similar to how I’d imagine most mornings begin in Turkish cities. The populace awakened to the beckoning music of the Islamic call to prayer floating on crisp mountain air wafting through windows left open the night before.    As...

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Day 02 - Perga, Aspendos

posted on Thursday November 02 2023 at 9:00 pm UTC

For some of us, our day started at 3am as game 5 of the World Series started in Arizona. For several hours we followed a close baseball game as the Texas Rangers won their first World Series Championship. What a great memory for some of us who have followed the Rangers for more than 51 years!   After...

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Day 01 - Antalya, Sia

posted on Thursday November 02 2023 at 12:00 am UTC

Our first day in Antalya, Turkey, began with a group meeting in the park adjacent to our hotel. Our guide, Ozan, began discussing the area of Antalya and its significance to the history of Turkey. We moved to the port area and discussed the probability of Paul and his journey into the port. The...

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Day 00 - ARRIVAL

posted on Wednesday November 01 2023 at 12:00 am UTC

Our group arrived safely and can't wait to begin our tour of Turkey!...

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Preparing for Turkey

posted on Friday October 20 2023 at 12:18 pm UTC

Our trip will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family, to not only bring you...

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