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Help support our friends in Israel in their time of need.

Israel Study Tour with Our Lord's Community Church and Grace Community Church

October 16-26, 2018

Subscription options are no longer available for this tour.

Day 08 - Wed Oct 24

We spent the day walking about Jerusalem, seeing the places Jesus would have stopped, engaged others, and done ministry. We started by visiting the Temple Mount, which now is Home to the Dome of the Rock.

Some of us had to put on skirts to cover our knees - even the fellas! We also got a chance to go below the city to get as close as Jews can get to the Holy of Holies, and spent time at the Western Wall.

We then traveled down the street to Hezekiahs tunnel and hiked underground in a tunnel with spring water. It’s where David directed the spring to come inside the city’s wall to provide water when under seige.

Next stop: the steps of the Temple Mount to read Acts 2, and talk about the Holy Spirit. How great it is that God’s Spirit doesn’t dwell in a place, but in his people! We are now the temple, filled with the Spirit!

Finally, we stopped at the Pool of Bethesda and St. Anne’s to do some praying for healing. And God showed up as he alway does - we had multiple people experience healing after praying!!! From sore feet and hips, we experienced the supernatural power of God.

We can’t believe we only have ONE MORE DAY!! We’re each savoring each and every moment we can!

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